How Many Residents Do You Care For On Your Unit?


Naturally, I think I have waaay too many residents to care for :rolleyes: so I'd like to do a quick reality check:

As a charge nurse in a LTC/SNF, how many residents are you responsible for on your unit? What shift do you work, and which state do you work in? (It's OK if you don't want to indicate the state--I am just curious if it varies by state...)

I'll start! ;)

41 residents on 3-11 shift in Hawaii.

20,30,and 40 residents you know what that all is a shame there should be some type of pt to nurse ratio placed on these SNF.

I worked in a hospital as a PTC and the nurses had 5pt to 1 nurse with the PTC having 18 pt and the nurses would complain

Never understood that

60 Res on unit.

7-3 = 1 RN, 2 LPNs, 4 CNAs, 2 shower team, & unit sec + DON, ADON, ST,PT,OT are around

3-11 = 1 RN, 2 LPNs, 4 CNAs (my shift)

11-7 =1 LPN, 2 CNAs

Specializes in LTC.

We have 6 units with approx 20 residents to each unit. 1 nurse and 1-2 CNA's per unit for days and eves.

Specializes in Hospice, LTC, Rehab, Home Health.


There is a pt:nurse ratio in LTC in FL but it's nurse hrs/pt/24 hr period. They can divide it however they want to; but the max is 40:1. The only reason I had 30 was the physical layout of the building didn't support a 40:1 split.

My wing:

7a-3p 32 residents 1 LPN, 4 CNA's (DON and ADON in house and an RN super)

3p-11p 32 residents 1 LPN, 3 CNA'S, RN Super

11p-7a 32 residents 1 LPN, 2 CNA's and RN in house (125 residents)

Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.

3-11 shift: 1 nurse, 2 CNA's, 28 residents

7a-3p on the skilled hall.

1 RN and 1 CNA for 10 residents.

The ICF halls are 1 LPN and 5 CNA's for 32 residents.

sub-acute/rehab floor: 3 RNs and 5-6 CNAs for 60 residents AM & PM shift (not sure about NOC)

LTC floor: 2.5 nurses (1 RN + 2 LPNs or 3 LPNs) and 5-6 CNAs for 60 residents depending on census (we get 6 CNAs if the census is 59 or above)

2.5 nurses means that 3 nurses work the 1st half of the shift, then one goes home halfway through. PM shift 2-10:30pm

Forgot to say about the NOC shift on the LTC floor I just described above:

1 RN or LPN for 60 residents, not sure how many CNAs (I've never worked that shift)

Drug and alcohol detox and rehab

3 nurses and 2 MHTs

40 patients when full

Wow! You guys are really making me appreciate my LTC!!! :uhoh3::eek:

7a-3p shift

3 Floors

1st floor is long term and has 60 residents/3 nurses/7 CNA's

2nd floor is rehab with 58 residents/4 nurses/7-8 CNA's

3rd floor is Heaven's waiting room with 58 residents/3 nurses/8-9 CNA's

Aside from call outs, we rarely have more than 20 resident's each!


one facility..Noc 103 residents=2lpns, 5CNAs (supposed to be 5,,we've running with 3-4 this whole year)

other place 7p-7a 86 residents = 2lpns, 4-5CNAs

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