How many of you married doctors?


Hi all!

I'm currently a student at Johns Hopkins SON, just starting, and I'm wondering how hard it will be to meet and date some of the male med students here to seek out future husbands. Don't get me wrong, marrying a doctor is NOT the reason I want to be a nurse, it's just an added benefit. :) Let's face it, my nursing salary will not be enough to live in NYC, where I want to live, AND support a family.

So how many of you managed to score doctor husbands, and how'd you do it? Any suggestions on how I can meet some of them?


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I LIKE how your gramma thinks,fergus. words of a WISE lady indeed.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

andrewgranny, that crack about men coming up with 15 letter words was really revealing. not too nice. sorry, rusty. you can RISE above that,you know.

Oh please, please, please do not marry a doctor--you will always be a "nurse" to him: read that as "inferior second-class servant". If there are any doctors in heaven, which I sincerely doubt, I am leaving!

I do anesthesia; I was doing a spinal case and just chatting with the patient, a very nice lady, and she was asking me if I was married. I said yes, and she said "oh, I bet you're married to a doctor". I said, "oh my god, no--it's bad enough having to work with them, much less be married to one". Suddenly there was a dead silence on the other side of the drape. After I took my foot out of my mouth, I peeked over and said to the surgeon(a relatively benign guy who had recently removed my gallbladder)--"present company excepted, of course."

He still asked me to do the anesthesia for his wife when she had her kidney stones lithotripsied. His wife is a beautiful redheaded anorexic trophy.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
Originally posted by zumalong

JHUnurse................................Are you sure you are not spying on this bb and you really are a MD who is looking for a date???

:rotfl: If you ARE looking for a date, our sibling named LasVegasRN would like to send you a "PM", but you better be lookin' mighty fine...cause she doesn't play around. :rotfl:

I have yet to even meet a Doc that I would want to have an extended conversation with that didn't include my health or patients concerns. The work you would have to put into chasing one or attempting to catch their eye would certainly take away from your priorities at work.

Maybe I sould rather harsh but I find that thought unprofessional, sexist, and down right strange. I suggest if you need your own adequate income to change career goals or move where you can afford to live with your wage. Money doesn't make a marriage....a REAL marriage.


And, JMHO, please please please drop nursing. Go be a model, an actress, whatever....

but (I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but there ya go) PLEASE

please---anything but nursing

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
originally posted by fergus51

my grandma says if you marry for money you'll earn every penny, but that it is just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor one.

and she also says that a dress should be tight enough to show that you're a woman, but loose enough to show that you're a lady while you look for love;)

fergus51...give your granny a big ol' :kiss from me 'cause she sounds like a real wise woman that i would love to meet and have tea with. :)

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.
originally posted by jhunurse

hi all!

i'm currently a student at johns hopkins son, just starting, and i'm wondering how hard it will be to meet and date some of the male med students here to seek out future husbands. don't get me wrong, marrying a doctor is not the reason i want to be a nurse, it's just an added benefit. :) let's face it, my nursing salary will not be enough to live in nyc, where i want to live, and support a family.

so how many of you managed to score doctor husbands, and how'd you do it? any suggestions on how i can meet some of them?


be carful what you wish for, you just might get it. so if you do marry a doctor and he/she is out finding love with someone else, don't say a word, just remember, you only wanted the money.

Every now and then I STILL run into a new grad lookin' to marry a doc...:(

These young things are so flattered (at first) when the docs flirt with them shamelessly and invite them out for drinks...old mama nurse I am, I take 'em aside and warn about his 2 ex wives and 5 kids he supports...all the whispers of affairs too numerous to count.....and with wifey #3 who is preggers...

And I have worked with a few shameless nurses who felt proud to take a doc away from a good wife and mother who put HIM through med school....:( All I can say is hope they're happy with their big house and their dinner parties...I want more out of my marriage than that. :(

And I'm fortunate to have married a fine man who is my best friend and love for 25 years now...I would not settle for less. :)

Social climbing nurses may bag their doc, but I always tell them...don't be surprised when he's sleeping around with YOUR replacement some day....powerful, wealthy egomaniacs do NOT make good hubbies. ;) JMHO.

If you do manage to nab your doctor, just make sure you never get old, fat, wrinkled, arthritic or form any strong opinions of your own. I have seen too many docs use their $$ and their Porsches (Jaguars, Mercedes, fill-in-the-blank here) to woo some trophy when the wife he just dumped (or hasn't gotten around to dumping yet) who put him through med school looks for a job to help support their kids. You might want to keep the number of a good divorce attorney in your little black book, just as a contingency.

To be fair, I have seen one case where an MD and RN married and seem to be happy, but they have only been married for 2 years (no kids yet.)

As for me, I recommend finding a nice engineer. I married one and he is stable, funny, intelligent and will make a very good father. I have also met many of his friends, and they are not nearly as boring as the stereotype will have you believe.

Good luck!

I married a doctor seventeen years ago. I didn't marry him for his future money making capacity. We married because we were best friends and had a lot in common.

It was the best decision I ever made.

Seven years ago, he became ill and lost his vision (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) and couldn't practice medicine anymore. Despite multiple corneal transplants, his vision is still too poor to do much of anything.

We did the ol' role reversal thing. He cooks, cleans, does the laundry, and raises the kids while I go to work.

Y'all are generalizing all the monstrous despicable qualities about doctors .

Mine's a gem!!!

Am I the only nurse married to a doctor who's happy on the board?????????

How many of you married doctors?

ewwwwwwww. Icky

Except for KP RN's one.



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