Published Jun 19, 2006
3 Posts
I haven't found this issue addressed yet in the forums(I've only spent about 12 hours here). In general how intense is the school experience?
Specifically how many days a week does a SRNA attend classes/clinicals?
Also (personally) if one had a job with downtime where you could study and a flexible schedule could they maintain that job(3 - 12's a week)?
I have about twenty other questions but this will do for now.
Thanks in advance.
222 Posts
This is a good question...I would also like to know the answer.
556 Posts
hey there
The CRNA program is not like an NP program. It cannot be taken part time and its not possible to do it while doing a fulltime job expecting to do well.
The schedule dosent work around yours. Its more like a BSN program you attend where you have set classes on certain days you goto. Also, the clinicals are non negotiable. Your given a schedule and you follow it (from what im told).
The expectation is you do anesthesia school full time.
Some have managed to work part time but i do not know anyone who worked full time.
502 Posts
You would not be able to maintain a 3 (12 hour) shift work schedule while in anesthesia school. My program, 13 yrs ago, was classes everyday, and then clinical everyday during the 3rd-6th semesters. It is an extremely intense program. 13 yrs ago, I did have a part-time job. It was 1 (12 hour) shift at a small community hospital's ICU pool. I usually worked a Saturday night but not every week. Just those I felt wouldn't interfere with testing and classes. Did get some studying done during that time, though not my priority (pt. care was). Good luck
128 Posts
I just started my program on Monday. I'm sure in a couple weeks I will have an interesting answer for you.
apaisRN, RN, CRNA
692 Posts
Anesthesia school is like having two full-time jobs. If you are able to work it will be minimal. Our faculty frown on outside work and those who do keep it quiet.
12 Posts
My school will only let you work one 8 hour shift per week. Only one person in my class is doing that, for the summer anyway. I started my masters classes this May. We have 2 classes per five weeks from 8 until 1 in the afternoon. Lots of reading and prep work for presentations. It is required in my program to have ethics and presentations with each class. This is Monday - Thursday with three shadow days before you start clinicals in August. Then it is five days per week with 2 or 3 classes per day. Once clinicals start it is 2 clinicals and 3 class days. Working is not encouraged. You will have so much reading to do and paper work you wont be able to keep up. If money is an issue look into loans or financial aid. There is something out there for everyone. It is intense but worth it. Good luck.
Thanks, all. I guess that settles it for now. With classes 5 days a week its impossible to do three 12's, however easy the job. I like the idea I saw elsewhere here of starting to complete the masters core courses which may help me for CRNA in the further future, or simply try to do a ACNP program.
185 Posts
My program is front-loaded so we basically had class five days a week for the first two semesters. The summer semester (which we're about 4 weeks into) is class three days a week, but all of my downtime is spent studying because it is so much information and so intense. After this summer we will be in clinicals full-time (4 days a week in the OR with 1 class on our day off). We will also be working 24 hour call on certain days. I could not imagine working ANY, let alone three 12's a week. To me it just doesn't seem plausible. Best of luck to you!!!
524 Posts
so, what do most people do for income? loans, sig. others income enough? save up now if i have anesthesia in my future? how long is the schooling?
11 Posts
loans loans and loans.... oh wait loans :).. not unless you have saved or your family or spouse helps out.
School is number one and they dont let you forget it. If you have a rocky relationship going in to this you may want to hold off. Everything else gets put to second over the school and if you dont have an understanding support system then somthing has to give and its either the school or your relationship.
its tough and hurts somethimes.. but i wouldnt change it for the world
i would like to see what the devorce rate is for people in Anesth school.. i am sure its high.. we have lost some marriges
422 Posts
I can only tell you my current schedule. I get to the hospital at 6am and leave between 4-5pm five days a week. Then I come home, eat, and study for 1-2 hours before going to bed. On sat and sun i study 6-8 hours to prepare for boards. If you can find time to fit in a shift in there you are better at time managment than me. I dedicate 60-80 hours a week to anesthesia, whether it is studying or providing it. You don't have time for much else. But I knew what to expect when I started and I am happy I did it.