How hard is nursing school ?

Nursing Students General Students


Hello (: I am currently a senior in highschool and plan on attending college for nursing. I plan on getting an associates in nursing, getting a few years of experience than continuing my education for a higher degree. Have any of you done this ? Exactly how hard is nursing school. I am currently taking an anatomy class that is very basic. I went into the class expecting to learn a lot more than I am. So for nursing school I am sort of expecting to have to know - all of anatomy and physiology, - general chemistry, - somewhat of complicated math - and other courses pertaining to how to relate to patients and families. How overwhelming is it exactly ? How much did time did you devote to studying each day etc. I realllly get into anatomy and physiology and I think it's really interesting, but math and chemistry..yeah that's a different story haha. I just want to know what Im getting into basicallly (:

Thanks !

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

The difficulty of nursing school is mostly in the time management. The material isn't hard. The volume of work expected is challenging. Good luck to you!

Thank you ! & also is the pay difference between ADN & BSN drastic ?

Specializes in Cardiology and ER Nursing.

How hard it is varies by your educational background, and how well you are at learning something then applying it.

Specializes in LTC.

Not hard but very time consuming.

I'm through the first 2 weeks of my BSN program and yes I have to agree with the time management advice. There is A LOT of reading assigned at least the first two weeks, most professors say some things you can just skim but others will say read the whole chapter. In addition to multiple books and chapters you have to read, there are papers, and group projects, and research you need to be doing. I won't say its easy, but it is definitely worth it! :) Oh and quizzes you have to prepare for too.

Also, its a very different type of learning, lots of critical thinking involved. Even from test/quiz #1. There is no regurgitation of information any more. I love it though. I wouldn't change my major for anything! :)

Thank you ! & also is the pay difference between ADN & BSN drastic ?

here in north florida, BSN gets 1 dollar more. i'm not sure about other parts of the country though.

Nursing school is all about what you make it. If you are a hard worker, dedicated, and remain focused on your goal throughout, you will do fine. As others have stated it can be time consuming if you have other obligations, but with good time management skills, you will know what you need to do, and when you need to do it. If you are immature, a slacker, and someone who spends the majority of their time looking for ways to cut corners, your experience will not be that great!

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

The pay difference is negligible in most places between ADN and BSN. The ability to get hired though is becoming huge. ADNs are being phased out in the current economy. That may or may not reverse itself in the future. I would strongly advise to get your BSN, if not immediately then within a reasonable time of getting your ADN.

After finishing college, doing some graduate score work, obtaining a variety of life experiences from dealing with street people to managing a complex organization, and having a fairly inquisitive attitude towards biology and things of a medical nature; I personally do not find nursing school to be "hard." It is definitely not the hardest thing I've done.

However, if I were 18 and goofy again I could see how it might be.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.
here in north florida, BSN gets 1 dollar more. i'm not sure about other parts of the country though.

this, and BSN you have opportunitys to go into management and such i think right out of school....

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