How to go about saying thank you to your nurse?


I just had a baby 8 days ago and had the most wonderful labor and delivery experience thanks to my wonderful nurses. I would really love to send flowers and a couple personalized thank you's, but am not sure which way would be the best to go about it. Do I run them up there by hand, or can I send them in the mail? Could they be delivered with the flowers?

I would prefer to somehow send them considering how busy it has been with a newborn, but will run them up there if that is the best option.


When I had my first I sent a card each to L&D and postpartum. I think flowers are a very sweet gesture, and sending them would be fine! They'll really appreciate them, I'm sure.

You could call the hospital and ask about flower delivery. A box of chocolates would not be turned away :) It's so great that you want to go out of your way to say thank you. Nursing, like so many other jobs that are there to help people out, goes under-appreciated. Some hospitals even have ways you can recognize paticular nurses for their care and assistance, for example the hospital I went to school at had "Shooting Stars" and these were placed so the public and co-workers can see who's taken the extra time to make a difference. Also, a lot of hospitals have online reviews, you could write to one of those and let it be known how well you were taken care of.

And~Thank You!!

Specializes in Medical.

By mail would be finel alternatively, most florists will include a card with the delivery, and should be willing to add more.

I'm glad you had such a supported birth experience :)

Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy. :) Like EMcGrady said, I would ask the hospital about flower delivery. A thank-you note and little gift of appreciation go a long way!

A complimentary note to the nurse's supervisor on her behalf would be a great way to thank her :). Treats are always welcome. I would skip flowers, leave that for her significant other to give ;).

A card with a picture of you/baby would be great.

And ditto the rec on a letter to the dept manager, that would be placed in her file for future evaluations. (or letter to hospital reccognition program if there is one).

I'd skip flowers, the notes would be much more appreciated. If you really want to send somthing, ordering pizzas for the unit would rock!

Specializes in NICU.

Cards can be mailed to the hospital address, addressed to the nurse in question in care of the particular unit (ex. Labor and Delivery). I'm sure she'll love to know that she was appreciated!

Thanks for all of the great responses! I am definitely sending thank you's, but if you don't think flowers are a good idea, what would you recommend? Chocolates? Doughnuts? I would order pizza, but don't know the schedule and don't know if my nurse(s) would even be up there.


I'm very happy to hear you had such a good experience.

I completely disagree that the supervisor should get the "thank you" as it is the nurses on the floor that make the difference.

In my unit chocolates are the best present as flowers are not allowed inside the unit and only end up in the managers office. One long term patient gave us a bunch of 4 coloured pens - that was also very welcomed.

We receive lots of thank you notes and some have a picture of the baby on it - which is always nice too.

Specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.

Offer to let them name your baby.

Any food you send (doughnuts, chocolates, etc) will disappear very very quickly! There is no guarentee that the nurses you want to have it will ever see it.

If you want to thank specific nurses, sending notes to them in c/o the hospital (or just delivering them to the unit yourself), as well as sending a letter to their manager or hospital recognition program would be best.

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