Published May 31, 2011
68 Posts
For those of you currently working as a CNA, how did you land your job? Did you apply online? Craigslist, Indeed, Career Builder, etc.? Did you know someone there? Did you just call around or go in person?
Thanks for your help!
118 Posts
My class was held at a LTCF even though it was through the local technical college. When class was done our instructor passed out applications. A few months later after I'd passed my test I dropped off the application in person, got called for an interview a week later, then 30 min after I'd gotten home I got a call offering me a job.
Dorali, BSN, LPN, RN
471 Posts
We were moving out of the city to a small town with one NH. I called a few weeks before we closed on our house to see of they had any daytime positions available. They said yes. Went in the next day to fill out an application and they hired me on the spot, even though I was a brand new CNA.
Easy as pie! :)
If you're looking for a job, that's what I would do. No point in filling out an application if they're not hiring. People call my facility all the time; I know because I've answered the phone when they ask. Hope that helps!
fuzzywuzzy, CNA
1,816 Posts
I went there in person and filled out an application. I didn't know if they were hiring or not- I just went to all the places in the area. It was the middle of the summer and I think I was hired to replace a girl who was about to go on maternity leave. They called me the next day for an interview.
What I thought was weird was that after the interview instead of saying, "Ok we'll let you know within a week" they basically just asked me if I wanted to work there or not. At the time it seemed like they hire every single person that applies. But no one else got hired with me and I know I wasn't the only one that applied. In fact one girl from my class applied at the exact same time as me.
562 Posts
I did my clinicals at the facility.
Our instructor was telling us about facilities that hired unlicensed nurse aides. I was anxious to start. So, on the last day of clinicals, I just asked the DON if they hired newbs and if they had positions.
"Yes!" She practically hired me on the spot.
Told me to go to the ASDON. I had to wait a few days until I got my course completion/diploma from the school. He was like, ''s an application and we'll let you know..."
5 days later...I was working. 11.75/hour. No benefits (that's why). I still don't have benefits. Don't need it. I have a better package through the military.
Two weeks later, I took my skills/written exam.
Anyway, if you need a job, just call around and request the hiring manager. They'll tell you: IF they hire the unlicensed, if they hire at all and what shifts they need filed.
Now...I've read from one or two individuals on all nurses that, in some areas, newb CNA's were having problems being hired?
I'm not calling anyone a liar, but, that seems almost unbelievable...
A hospital? Ok. That makes sense.
...but, since when are the NURSING HOMES being picky and turning folks away?
'Experienced only'? They need to cut it out.
I usually have anywhere from 12-20 residents w/6-12 incontinents to a floor.
Last week, one of our new LVNs (ex CNA) looked at me incredulously, like, "Are you working this entire hall all by yourself?"
LTC's need all the extra bodies they can get...
(LTC's...and hospitals,too. Actually....)
44 Posts
I initially didn't look for a job (researching for something else) and I went on Craiglist. There was an ad with an e-mail attached to it. I looked at the facility's website and liked what I saw. I just e-mailed the person that interviews, sets up our schedules, etc. She called me back and I got an interview. She called me the next day and told me that I was hired.
Before you apply to any nursing home go to this website That is also a good way to find local nursing homes.
1,196 Posts
I did clinicals at my first facility, and was hired upon completion.
My 2nd facility, I applied online via Monster.
THe hospital, I applied online at their site repeatedly until I got hired.
My current job, I just walked in, filled out an app, and was called for an interview a few days later.
13 Posts
I finished my CNA class last Wednesday.. went into my towns nursing home and asked if they had any CNA positions available Friday.. administrator wasn't there so they weren't sure but had me fill out an application anyways.. went in yesterday to talk to the administrator and she told me I could start after my skills and written tests which are next week.. got a call today asking if I can start 2-10 shift next Monday before I even take my test!! Took less than a week after class to get hired :)
21 Posts
wow!! U guys above are all so LUCKY & datz d truth. I got certified 3 weeks ago & i,m still filling application via monster, craigslist, walk-ins, websites etc & yet to get a call. I,ve checked & filled applications on most nursing hmes & LTC within 25-30 miles of my home. Most are asking for at least a year experience but i still go ahead and apply........just in case.
I,m just pray & hope for a break & wish every other person in my position d best of luck.
156 Posts
How do you guys like being cna's?Thanks in advance
23 Posts
I called a nursing home asked them if they were hiring they said they were I told them I needed a job. She asked when could I start I told her tonight :) she hired me on the spot today I start tomorrow
wow that is cool