Published Sep 28, 2006
1,714 Posts
Just curious - my method works for me, but it's time-consuming. Maybe we can get some ideas from each other! I read the chapter before class about 98% of the time. Then I take notes during the lecture in my own notebook, not on my powerpoint slide handouts (unless it's all diagrams, bones, etc.). I usually learn best by writing. Later on, I go back to the chapter and take my own notes, already knowing what the instructor emphasized in lecture or told us to go back and read. I've been putting my lecture notes in a 3-ring binder and keeping my book notes in a spiral notebook so I can see both at the same time. Then, before the tests, I go back thru again and make flashcards. By the time I get this far, I usually know it well enough I don't have to go through the flashcards much, but that's easy to do at work, while eating, etc. How about everybody else?
1,112 Posts
I pretty much do what you do, I also learn by writing it all out I always rewrite my notes. I also always study ahead I think that is key being prepared to go into lecuture having a vague idea helps in every class I have taken, I also know what will stump me and if instructor doesn't clear it up during the lecture I am ready with questions.
I make flash cards I go over computer websites that ask the same material in different ways, most of my texts have questions at the end of the chapter I also do those,if there are some I am stuck on I make flash cards, flash cards have been my friend this semester in a HUGE way! I bought a pack of 500 after I zipped thru my first 100 on the first unit lol. I have a file box organized by chapter and as I master them I file them away, I also try to periodically go over them I save the cards for evenings when my husband is watching tv or before I fall asleep I go over them for a review.
297 Posts
I like to make flash cards. I turn my computer's screensaver to activate after 2 minutes. I'll then grab 4 cards (stack #1) and read and reread the first card until my screensaver starts. I'll then do the same with the next card. After I've gone through my 4 cards I'll move on to stack #2. After I've finished with stack #2 i'll go back to stack #1 with my screensaver set to activate after 1 min. Once done, I restudy stack #2 at one minute intervals. Then it's break time...
This keeps me focused and on-track
augigi, CNS
1,366 Posts
Wow, y'all are much more motivated than me. I learn by writing, so I just wrote unit summaries. Never read things before the class and never made a flash card. I am lucky in that I have a fairly photographic memory though.
363 Posts
i do the ..taking notes & flashcard thing also. it has given me great grades too..4 a's & 2 b's in this semester alone. i dont' think i would even attempt them without my flashcards, i figure..whats 50 cents a pack for help right?
105 Posts
Here's my method...
First of all I never take notes in class I find it distracts me from really listening and understanding what the teacher is talking about. I give 100% attention to the instructor. I do not do homework unless it is taken for a grade. Unless its math then I do a few problems of each type until I fully understand them. When the material is something really complex with lots of details for instance anatomy and physiology I'll speed read the chapter, look up any unknown words, read it again this time trying to "wrap my head around it" or get an understanding of the overall process. If its a really difficult section I will write a summary of the entire chapter on paper, then revise it again and again until the paper consists of just a few words like a words list! almost like definitions. At this point I can tell you everything in a chapter by visualizing those key words. I can't remember everyword from the chapter but I can remember the keywords which remind me what that section was about. I found that starting out its hard to "wrap your mind around" certain topics until you get further into the subject and can put all the peices together. For me understanding is the key and not memorizing. Somtimes I ask myself why and then find the answer even if its something we are not currently studying just because I want to know. I continously ask why. I do not accept one persons explanation I look things up from several sources and come to my own conclusions. One more point I'd like to make about my method of studying is this: At one time I found myself becoming lazy and unmotivated to get to work trying to understand topics that I didn't find interesting so I came up with a rule.. That rule is: No Matter What, The order in which I do things that need to be done will be in from what what I least want to do to what I most want to do. For instance... say I had or wanted to do the following events in a days time: Check the mail, Do math homework online, Play a video game, Work on my english essay, feed the dogs, and wash the car.
My order would be:
1) Work on my english essay
2) math homework
3) wash the car
4) feed the dogs
5) check the mail
6) play the game
I find doing what you want to do least first gives you a since of accomplishment and you just feel better at the end of the day. Oh and to minimize the time I waste I ensure that I do not delay in taking action. An object in motion has a tendency to stay in motion
Its funny that the things you want to do the least are the things that matter the most in achieving your overall goals. Meh... I could talk about this forever Im gonna stop here.
78 Posts
I record the lecture and take good notes then when I am doing house work or just driving the car I can play my tape in my headphone and maybe learn something.
nurse4theplanet, RN
1,377 Posts
I almost killed myself the first semester, studying hours a day, making flashcards, reading the book, answering chapter objectives in essay format for the heck of it, listening to taped lectures over and over...that got old about half way through the semester. It got me an A...but I was burnt out on school.
Fast forward to now...
I LISTEN in class, jot a few notes
I apply that knowledge to what I have seen in clinical/at work
I might make flashcards for unfamiliar terms
I do lots of NCLEX questions
I go over the notes from the previous lecture right before the next lecture
I study hard core the day before the test with frequent breaks...but by then I already have it down pat
A once over before the test and my fellow classmates quiz each other while we wait for class to begin
And I make time for lots of fun...
end product...still an A!
52 Posts
a great thread!!
1. Pre-read the material.
2. Take notes in class and record lecture.
3. That night, type notes while listening to recording, pausing the tape often to fill in gaps.
4. Prepare note cards. I make a hole punch in the corner of each and put them on a clip ring. They're easy to tote around and quickly flip through. (I also number & date them)
5. Start memorizing the notecards!! Everyday I go through the cards making sure I can start at the beginning of the semester and repeat it back verbatim.
(PS i'm not in school yet ... but hopefully will be working on my 3rd degree by spring. I pray I haven't lost the drive! It's 10 years since I was last a student, but my goal was always perfection, which usually landed me the highest grade in the class! And from the posts here, it looks like nothing less will do.)
Pixiesmom, BSN, RN
326 Posts
As far as study methonds I let the punishment fit the crime so to speak. With my Math for Meds class I work the boatload of problems that our instructor supplied us with. They aren't graded but we can check the answer book to make sure that we are indeed on the right track. I also used flash cards to memorize my conversions. I keep the flash cards in my purse so I can whip them out when I have a free minute.
Chemistry, I read the text and take notes, take lecture notes, and I also make flash cards as well.
A & P I, I read the text, do the mountain of assigned homework, and make flash cards.
My other classes are less time consuming and in fact once I learned how to do ratios and commit the conversions to memory Math for Meds hasn't been as time consuming. My only problem is deciding when to study for what class. :uhoh21:
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I am not a good auditory learner, so listening to lectures is quite the diffucult task for me.
I do my studying the tried-and-true way: drill and kill. I take notes in class, read the textbooks thoroughly, re-read any chapters if I have a hard time with the comprehension aspects, memorize my vocabulary with index flash cards, and attempt to analyze what I have learned that day.
166 Posts
To say we all learn in different ways is an understatement.
I don't take many notes in lecture. My notes mainly consist of subjects that the professor covers. Maybe a few key words. Mainly my notes are cues as to what might be on an exam.
Then I go home and read through my text. I don't take notes from the test, but I mainly read to get my mind around the concepts.
Then I practice putting the information to work. Sometimes I find myself explaining concepts to myself in the shower...etc. My wife has also found herself listening to me explain things in great detail. I also buy the study guides that accompany each text book. I work through the exercises for each chapter. If I find a hole in my knowledge...then I go back to the text and fill it in.
I also spend a lot of time online....taking practice labeling exercises...googling for information on various tangents my that grab my attention...etc
Oh, and another secret. I NEVER study the night before an exam. If I have not learned it by the eve of an exam, then I don't try and cram it. The key is to pace yourself and not let yourself get behind. Relax on the night before an exam. Make sure you are rested....and relaxed prior to taking the exam.
On average I might spend 1/2 hour an evening in direct study of A&P...the rest of my study is by practicing the information.
It works for me....4.0 GPA so far....knock on wood.
The key is to learn how you learn....and put it to work.
Miami Dade College