How Does This End?

It is difficult to imagine how this pandemic ends. Does it play out regardless of what we do? How do we make sense of a world that is so vastly different? As health care providers, knowledge is power, but it also gives us more anxiety and more awareness of the dangers around us. Nurses COVID Article


We Watched and Planned ...

My husband and I began watching the Covid-19 numbers in early January. I remember sitting in our living room during a typically dark, cold Minnesota Winter day and discussing how it was going to go down. We debated going to the "big city" the first weekend of February for fear that it had already made its way to the United States. My husband plotted graphs and looked at the exponential growth, and he made predictions about what might happen if it did get out of China. We bought extra food, essentials, and began to save money. We talked late into the night about the potential scenarios that might unfold.

And, Waited

I watched, in horror, as it began to make its way around the world, and everything that we talked about in late-night conversations started to materialize. My husband and I wished that we could be wrong. The lack of PPE and the rate of health care worker infection weighed heavily on our minds. We were already homeschooling and had begun stocking up, so when things shut down, we were already reasonably prepared. Few things changed in our daily routine, except the loss of a once a week preschool for our youngest, church for all of us, and an evening kids club and date night for the two of us. We are both in the high-risk category, so we hunkered down and waited ... and waited ... and waited ...

Now, the Uncertainty

I was fortunate (or unfortunate enough to be high risk) to be able to be off work for a while. I am headed back in a few weeks after spending an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime Summer with my husband and three young kids. I am anxious about how I will assimilate back into nursing. I am apprehensive about how I will feel coming home to my family after 12 hours of potential exposure. I am still fairly worried about the PPE situation. I have little trust in the government agencies who are guiding our direction in this pandemic.

At the end of the day, however, I am just weary. I am tired of seclusion, but also feel safer in it. I am tired of thinking about the future outcome for myself, my family, our finances, my world, OUR world. I am tired of the uncertainty. I am sad for my children and how this is all going to affect their future.

Questions Unanswered

How long do we do this?

How long do I go without seeing any extended family for fear of exposing them, or us?

How long do I hesitantly go out in public, debating whether I should wear a mask when no one else is?

How long do we keep our already homeschooled children away from social networks and peers?

How long do we stay home from church, our community lifeline?

How do we prepare financially, mentally, spiritually?

How do we, as a collective body of healthcare providers, ensure that the career we chose is honored and protected?

I did not sign up to go to war. I signed up to care for people, show compassion, educate, and advocate, but not at the cost of my own life. My family, indeed, never agreed to be exposed to the dangers that I may face when I go to work. How do I justify the costs for them?

These are all rhetorical questions and each of us has our own set of questions, all with no concrete answers. How does this end? I suspect it will play out regardless of what containment measures are put into place. It only takes one moment of weakness to be potentially exposed.

What are your questions? Your answers? How in the world does this end?

56 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Nonsense...don't squint so hard to try to make Trump's lawless and corrupt authoritarian agenda look like a representative republic. The facist trappings are glaringly obvious.

His attitude can be whatever he wants, his office remains a part of a three branch system that is kept in balance. We literally cannot have fascism in this country without dissolving congress and the Supreme Court. No matter what a human being we have for a president.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.
1 minute ago, damiorifice said:

His attitude can be whatever he wants, his office remains a part of a three branch system that is kept in balance. We literally cannot have fascism in this country without dissolving congress and the Supreme Court. No matter what a human being we have for a president.

And we recently had a congressional branch that literally refused to confirm a valid Supreme Court nominee to make sure they could stack the court in their own favor. It teeters in the the balance now as we all pray RBG stays healthy for at least another four months. The senate is heavily Trump laden and refuse to operate under its own responsibilities.

The checks and balances used to work. I have lost complete faith in them.

Specializes in Psych.
11 minutes ago, MeganMN said:

The difference is that many of us adhere to the idea of "the greatest good for the greatest number of people" idea, instead of what is good for one.

The former is the foundational ideology of socialism, while the latter is the individualist ethos of American liberty.

12 minutes ago, MeganMN said:

Unfortunately, in our country as compared to others,(Japan, South Korea, Germany) we have gone so far away from nationalism and national unity in our search for personal liberty and freedoms.

We had to deal with two of those countries' nationalistic impulses (the third was a hostage of one of those two) from 1941 to 1945, and I have no intention of seeing my beloved America end up like that.

14 minutes ago, MeganMN said:

I think that as a country, we are doing a huge disservice to our own people to not have mandated mask use.

The buck stops where? Technically there would be no more COVID transmissions if the government had drones patrolling the streets enforcing quarantines and lobbing missiles at any civilian found out of their home. Is that something we should entertain next?

15 minutes ago, MeganMN said:

This pandemic could have been an opportunity for national unity instead of more division.

A shame that Faucist ideologists went straight to complicit politicians to ruthlessly enforce their beliefs rather than respecting individual will and our rights.

16 minutes ago, MeganMN said:

That was my hope once I saw all of this happening, and it has not come to pass.

The silver lining is that anti-American socialist types can use the COVID pandemic as a pretext to move to Vietnam or New Zealand or wherever else they want to without putting up with us pesky "noncompliant" freedom-lovers. Win-win for all of us.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
1 hour ago, damiorifice said:

We don’t have anything that even remotely resembles fascism in this country. We have a representative republic with three well defined, separate, and balanced branches of government that keep each other in line. To claim otherwise is less than rational.

It's not rational (nor is your statement), that's my point.

On 7/16/2020 at 12:45 PM, toomuchbaloney said:

That tiny fraction has always had a wide sympathetic support which allows them ability to achieve considerable division, oppression and aggression. That tiny fraction had members in police,on the bench, in state and national political positions. There's a white supremacist writing presidential speeches right now for the white supremacy apologist in the White House.

Do you seriously believe this stuff? WOW!!. I’m Jewish/Romani/German/Scott, 2 of my kids are Melungeon, and 4 are Hispanic. We have absolutely no fear of racism, even when we lived in the Deep South.

Just because something shows up in the "media" doesn’t mean it’s real, truthful, or objective. Throughout the entirety of human history, the media has been used as a tool for propagating propaganda.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
9 minutes ago, damiorifice said:

His attitude can be whatever he wants, his office remains a part of a three branch system that is kept in balance. We literally cannot have fascism in this country without dissolving congress and the Supreme Court. No matter what a human being we have for a president.

Save for when one branch starts refusing to answer to the other branches...

8 minutes ago, Nurse SMS said:

And we recently had a congressional branch that literally refused to confirm a valid Supreme Court nominee to make sure they could stack the court in their own favor. It teeters in the the balance now as we all pray RBG stays healthy for at least another four months. The senate is heavily Trump laden and refuse to operate under its own responsibilities.

The checks and balances used to work. I have lost complete faith in them.

The senate is under no compunction to approve of whatever nominee a president puts forth. That is literally an example of checks and balances.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
1 minute ago, damiorifice said:

Just because something shows up in the "media" doesn’t mean it’s real, truthful, or objective.

And just because something is not your experience it doesn't mean it isn't real.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
11 minutes ago, damiorifice said:

His attitude can be whatever he wants, his office remains a part of a three branch system that is kept in balance. We literally cannot have fascism in this country without dissolving congress and the Supreme Court. No matter what a human being we have for a president.

It's cute that you think there checks and balances on this despot after the Senate tools usa that whatever Trump thinks is good for Trump politically must also be good for the country. A quick review of history makes your pov seem naive.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
7 minutes ago, damiorifice said:

Do you seriously believe this stuff? WOW!. I’m Jewish/Romani/German/Scott, 2 of my kids are Melungeon, and 4 are Hispanic. We have absolutely no fear of racism, even when we lived in the Deep South.

Just because something shows up in the "media" doesn’t mean it’s real, truthful, or objective. Throughout the entirety of human history, the media has been used as a tool for propagating propaganda.

This isn't about you, your education or your ancestry. We don't want to talk about you. I wonder why people want to paint all media with such a broad and negative brush stroke when it is relatively painless to verify information. It's not my problem that other people can't see the obvious or hear the racism in Trump's speeches.

1 minute ago, toomuchbaloney said:

It's cute that you think there checks and balances on this despot after the Senate tools usa that whatever Trump thinks is good for Trump politically must also be good for the country. A quick review of history makes your pov seem naive.

Not exactly. We have a divided Congress to keep that branch representative of the people who elected it. We have a divided Supreme Court that also represents the will of the people via the proxy of an elected president and elected congress maiming lifetime appointments.

The fact that the electoral college gave voice to the statistical minority and prevented the tyranny of the majority railroading the rights of rural America in favor of the collective will of predominantly liberal urban dwellers is again an example of what a great job the founders did putting balance in place.

1 minute ago, toomuchbaloney said:

This isn't about you, your education or your ancestry. We don't want to talk about you. I wonder why people want to paint all media with such a broad and negative brush stroke when it is relatively painless to verify information. It's not my problem that other people can't see the obvious or hear the racism in Trump's speeches.

Everything is subjective. That’s human experience. At the end of the day, I am the only person that is absolutely essential for my own life, so why wouldn’t I personalize my interpretation of events? I don’t live under the delusion that society is an essential component of my persona and existence.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
3 minutes ago, damiorifice said:

The senate is under no compunction to approve of whatever nominee a president puts forth. That is literally an example of checks and balances.

Article II, Section 2. You are implying that the Senate executed their Constitutional responsibility and simply refused to confirm the nominee, but that it not what happened, they refused to even execute that process. There is a difference there.