How do you de-stress?


What is the best way to deal with the stress of the job? I'm a firm believer in exercise and the occasional glass of white wine. Any other suggestions? I'm a newbie (to nursing, not to stress) and am having trouble dealing with the really difficult days.

Best purchase I ever made, a massage chair. Other ways I use to de-stress Yoga, a walk by the lake, music, Hot shower, playing with the kids

:dancgrp:Take a Nia or Zumba dance class! It will knock the stress right out,

and you will feel great! But as Leelee2 states above, find your personal

ways to destress. Get an adult learning course catalog, they usually

have lots of cooking, dance, music etc . We are in New England, so I have

plenty of exercise dvds to get me through the snowy winter.

I'm sitting here listening to Barry White you are my everything. It is in perfect time to the figures above and is stress reducing to watch and listen. Course, Barry recommends other things to de-stress ;-)

Specializes in critical care.

A lot of great stress-busters have been posted already. A few more... if you are artistically inclined--or even if you aren't--art can be extremely therapeutic. I like drawing, painting and paper mache. Also, mindfulness meditation is great (check out the book Mindfulness in Plain English).

Go to aromatherapy and Thai ancient massage on the weekend.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Music on the drive home starts unwinding me. At home: a glass of wine, a hot bath, a good book, eating something especially if I didn't eat during the shift.

Specializes in LTC, Home Health.

I LOVE running. I get out all of my frustration on the road. By the time I get home I am too tired to be stressed.

Specializes in Neonatal.

Snowboarding is my anti-crazy :) summer time, I just hit the beach. Being outdoors takes the edge right off!

I walk my dog first, then it's a cup of hot tea, a good book and some Celtic music.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

sorry...somehow made two posts of the same thing.

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