1 Hour and 25min drive to school to become an RN? It's it really worth it!

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I'm looking into the kaplan college RN associates program but the drive is 1 hour and 25 minutes :( but this is what I want to do, what I want to become in life,,,, any words of motivation or someone that has been thru this?

It's worth it.. Check into car pooling with your classmates. I'm driving about 50 minutes to go to class. I've been fortunate that I only have to go 3 times a week though.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

My school is a 1 and 15 mins one way, I'm only driving one day a week right now, but this fall it will be 4 days a week. I have no closer schools. I live in a rural area so everything is a bit of drive anyway. You get use to it.

Specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

I think it is doable if you can find a carpool buddy to utilize the time by studying. That is 3 hours per day you could use to study. Also if you can record lectures, this is a great time to listen to them again and use your driving time wisely.

I'm in the same situation as you. I kinda wanna save money on room and board because it's 11k but it's a 2 hour train ride everyday from new york city to westchester.

I drove from Sacramento to Chico, California, 2 hours in each direction, Monday through Friday, 160 miles round trip. If anyone has made this trip, they know it is a 2 lane highway with no scenery but orchard fields, farms, high speed accidents, Indian Casinos, and the occasional bar in the middle of tiny roadside towns.

It is doable if you want it. People called me crazy for doing it, but I did it anyways. Just don't listen to lecture on your way home and have hard rock/rap and caffeine to keep your focus.

You can use the time to listen to notes (tape lectures or record your own notes) so it is three hours travel time used to study too!

I used to drive a total of 3 hours and 30 minutes daily to go and come from school. I did my LPN and thanks God I made it cause some of my classmates did not. I must confess that it was 2 of us that drove this long. Sometimes when the traffic is kicking especially on Fridays forget about getting home. We just have to do what we have to do and that's it. you can do it in case you haven't already done it. It's not going to be a piece of cake but it's doable.

you'll get use to it! I drove 1hr and 25 also four days a week for 2 years to become an RN and Monday my dreams came true feels good to me! Best wishes!

In response to the post about how to stay awake on the way home from school or clinicals - Many healthcare workers will admit to stopping and sleeping a few minutes on the way home from school, clinicals, and yes, even work. May not be safe to pull over and sleep but driving when one is that sleepy is not at all safe. Someone might say "But if you're that tired and sleepy, how can you give good care before driving home?" Must be that the adrenalin kicks while you're on the job and you are engaged with the patients you are helping. After working 4 or 5 twelve-hour night shifts, when I walked out that door I was totally ready to hit the sack. Anyone going into nursing any shift should be prepared to be overworked - exhausted - physically, mentally, and emotionally at times. If you aren't prepared for that, don't waste your time with nursing school. Nursing is a very rewarding career for those who are willing to suffer through it.

Specializes in Anesthesia, ICU, PCU.

"Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take it's place. If I quit, however, it will last forever."

Hi, I attend a LVN program thats 50 minutes withoit traffic and 1 hour 15min without traffic...sometimes 2hours on Fridays. Anywhoo the gas prices don't make it better but its a sacrifice that I was willing to take for a short amount of time. I sometimes have to get up at 4am just to make it clinicals 7am. :)

Budget for a hotel room for those nights when you just can't make the drive or the next day is too early. I did it a few times after my nearly fatal close one on the highway on the way in one day. My nonsympathetic clinical instructor made the suggestion, but did not offer to pay for the room.

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