1 Hour and 25min drive to school to become an RN? It's it really worth it!

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I'm looking into the kaplan college RN associates program but the drive is 1 hour and 25 minutes :( but this is what I want to do, what I want to become in life,,,, any words of motivation or someone that has been thru this?

Budget for a hotel room for those nights when you just can't make the drive or the next day is too early. I did it a few times after my nearly fatal close one on the highway on the way in one day. My nonsympathetic clinical instructor made the suggestion, but did not offer to pay for the room.

But why would he/she offer to pay for the room?...

But why would he/she offer to pay for the room?...

That was a tongue in cheek reference to the instructor being free and easy with "good advice" without taking into consideration that not all nursing students are living at home with mom and dad paying their way, or, better yet, living in the right neighborhood with darling hubby paying for everything. Besides the hour and a half commute, I held a full time job as well as a part time job to scrape by, so paying for those hotel rooms did not come easy. Her snide suggestion, (and it was very snide, remembered after all these years), was made to make it sound as if I wasn't willing to "go the extra mile". Said after I almost died on the highway. Not all nursing instructors operate from a neutral or helpful position when dealing with their students.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I was driving 1 hour to nursing school, working full time, married and a new born. Where there is a will, there is a way :) Don't let something like distance stand between you and what you want. Did it suck? Yup. It sure did. But do I appreciate my degree now more than ever? Absolutely. I wouldn't have traded a bit of the struggle I had to go through to get my degree.

I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

Author: Art Williams

I took trains and subways at least 90 minutes each way, and longer for some of my clinicals. So I was gonna say not too bad for the ultimate reward ... until I saw that it's Kaplan. I agree, get into a better school closer and kill two (or three) birds c one stone.

What's so hard to decide? If it's too far for you, then move. If you don't want to move, then drive. If you don't want to do either, find a closer school. If you can't get into those closer schools and you still don't want to drive or move, then this really is NOT what you want to do and be in life. I know people that have moved to a different coast to go to nursing school. I personally wouldn't drive that far but I would move. But then again I went so far as to join the military in order to pay for school so if I had to drive 1 and a half hours to make my dreams a reality, then I would do just that.

I currently commute 70 miles to Kaplan College San Diego. You do whatever it takes to get that RN.

It will all be worth it one day.

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