Published Sep 23, 2016
65 Posts
Hello ALLNURSES i am a first year student I am having major
second thoughts and I need honest non sarcastic answers I'm sure all of you working Nurses have been in this place to tell the truth ( no disrespect intended )
my second thoughts do not come because of the program or from
clinicals everything is fine there I'm doing well my concern is about my future as a
Nurse I am a positive thinking person and happy in my choice of career
( very sorry about the lack of punctuation don't want to lose my thoughts )
my honest from from the heart question is Why do I read so much negativity
here on ALNURSES? Please no bashing me for this question this is very
imporyant to me and may very well affect my future as a Nurse
thanking you in advance BE KIND TO EACH OTHER WE ARE ALL WE HAVE
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,936 Posts
Why so much negativity? Well, think about people in general: are they more likely to complain or compliment? Then take into account the fact that AN provides a measure of anonymity and understanding- unlike venting to family who doesn't work in healthcare, when people come here to vent they are venting to others who know and understand the situation without having to worry too much about it getting back to the employer.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,549 Posts
Because only the unhappy troubled people take the time to post for the most part.
489 Posts
Because nursing in general is difficult, often frustrating and thankless, and allnurses is a place for us to vent and share our feelings with fellow nurses who understand and have been there. It's therapeutic for us to be able to get our feelings out in a safe, anonymous place.
5,222 Posts
Because nobody understands the stressors, difficulties, tears and fears that come with the job better than other nurses.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,036 Posts
Hello ALLNURSES i am a first year student I am having major second thoughts and I need honest non sarcastic answers I'm sure all of you working Nurses have been in this place to tell the truth ( no disrespect intended )my second thoughts do not come because of the program or fromclinicals everything is fine there I'm doing well my concern is about my future as a Nurse I am a positive thinking person and happy in my choice of career( very sorry about the lack of punctuation don't want to lose my thoughts )my honest from from the heart question is Why do I read so much negativityhere on ALNURSES? Please no bashing me for this question this is veryimporyant to me and may very well affect my future as a Nursethanking you in advance BE KIND TO EACH OTHER WE ARE ALL WE HAVE
Your lack of punctuation is off-putting -- why not put down your thoughts and then go back and edit your post for spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.?
People who are happy are much less likely to want to go on a forum and post about their joy -- they're too busy enjoying it. People who are unhappy want to complain to anyone who will "listen".
Nursing is a very stressful job, and no one understands that like a nurse.
If you're a positive person, happy with your career choice, choose not to let the rantings of unhappy people affect you.
BeenThere2012, ASN, RN
863 Posts
This is an excellent question and one I have considered myself. I've been a nurse for over 30 years so I have some perspective.
It depends upon the topic and type of question. Think about some of the questions posed here. Many have to do with complaining, venting, worry about an incident, etc...So many of the posts are already in a negative context to start.
There are many different opinions on things whether they are clinical subjects or personal, psych/soc types of things. As with any topic in life, the variety of opinions on things vary and once someone disagrees, another will soon show up to give an opposing view, and then another and then another on and on.
Nurses are pretty stressed. Especially those in acute hospital/bedside positions. It is the reality.
However, not to scare you off, just saying that our profession has evolved over time just as anything in the sciences and it is effecting how we practice. Time is needed for adjustment to the changes and corrections for the mistakes (poor management) as our profession evolves. I'm only bringing up one thought about this here. The subject of "evolving practice" could be a research project in itself. Everyone in all professions experiences a certain amount of stress and any position in health care has a great deal of responsibility. I think a lot of nurses come to this site to get support when they are having a particularly difficult experience. And, even for those nurses, not every day is neccessarily horrible, and often in time whatever they are having difficulty with will resolve.
Look at all the positive posts. The articles are often enlightening and uplifting. The information available on the links is quite comprehensive. The Humor in Nursing section is hilarious.
Last but not least, people are here annonymously and therefore more free to speak from the gut as opposed to the head. Also, there is a lot of misunderstood statements r/t the mode of communication which get blown out of proportion at times.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
When you are sitting around with your friends from school ... do you smile all the time and talk about how much you love school, your teachers, your assignments, etc.? Probably not. Very few people sit around and smile all the time and talk about how wonderful their lives are.
Once you graduate and you find yourself sitting in a group of nurses talking about work, your conversation will most likely emphasize the concerns you have about work, the the questions, the help you need, the issues that bother you etc. You won't just sit around and talk about the good stuff either. That doesn't mean nursing is any worse of a career than other jobs.
3 Posts
Because you are a first year nursing student you haven't experienced what everyday floor nurses go through. Nurses on here are just venting to other nurses who deal with the same high level stress. Sometimes I have to come on this forum just to know I'm not alone when it comes to dealing with the stress and pressure at work. Whether it's negative or positive we are all the same. We have good days and bad days. Sometimes I love my job sometimes I don't. Everyday is different. When you are a Nurse and start completely on your own. You will come back to these forums and relate to every single one of these posts. The positive and negative. Don't give up if you love nursing. But have an open mind that being a nursing student is completely different than being on your own with your own patients to care for. Good luck