Highest BP you have ever seen on a pt



I am new to all nurses as a poster. Have been looking at posts for a year or so.

Anyway, my coworkers and I were having a disscussion of the highest BP we have ever seen. We had a pt come in and say that the BP on the home monitor was 280/110. It was 162/109 at the ER.

So what is the highest BP any of you have ever seen?

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I just got called from one of my dialysis units for a BP of 253/124!! Yikes!

Specializes in everywhere.

my mother today - her b/p 267/139.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

1982: 300/240, manual cuff upon admit MICU

As LPN, told RN couldn't hear BP....hadn't pumped cuff up ever that high before. She'd gotten ER report but hadn't passed info to me. :imbar

Patient survived.

Renal patients?

280/140 CHF pt. Lasix and morphine are wonder drugs!!!

How about the lowest?

Just last night i had a patient that went from 130/70...to 85/60...before my shift started. On my check per the bp machine she was 65/41...asymptomatic, manual 76/48, NSR rate 68. I am a little pissed at the nurse I followed. Pt. was ordered a 250ml bolus of 0.9.


Oh man! I think maybe something in the 220/120's.

When I had my 2nd baby my BP was 200/110 and I thought that was baaaad.

Well I guess it was now I think of it. That was back in the day they called it pre-eclampsia.

Doc wanted me to wait to go into labor (3 wks late, Mid August, my pitting edema had pits itself). His ob/ gyn partner prevailed , and my giant little guy brought my bp down just fine.

Specializes in CV Surgery Step-down.
How about the lowest?

Had a pt w/ 57/37 (manual) this week. Felt "a little dizzy". First time I have had to put a pt in trendellenberg! By the way, pt had history of orthostatic hypotension and the 50's were not "unusual" for him. Scary part though, is that this 80-year-old man still drives...:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.

Had a patient many years ago with bp 260/160. Patient was admitted to the hospital. What brought the patient in to see the doctor was starting to lose vision and numbness in toes. This patient was diagnosed with malignant hypertension.

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