HELP! Low Kaplan Scores, Taking NCLEX March 2011. Should I Rescedule?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I have scored consistently low on Kaplan Q trainers and Q banks (between 48-70%, averaging at about 57%-60%). My Kaplan instructor advised me to complete Q trainer7 before about 3-4 days before I took my boards and if I got less than 65% to reschedule. I am seriously considering it. My test is 03/30, but I am nervous about rescheduling because April 2011 the standard for passing will once again be raised. What do you think? Should I reschedule or just use these 3 days to study really hard. Please help, any input would be appreciated!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it, and you all are right about me being the only one to make the decision but all your positivity really helps! Thanks so much for the pneumonics, I had never heard of those but Im sure they will be very helpful. Sooooooooo glad I posted this. Yall are awesome! 3 days and counting....I just spoke with a friend of mine from school, and she said to put away the books because you cant study for this test! I felt the same way about LPN boards, but Im still studying! I need all the help I can get. I want to do my part so God has something to work with!

good luck on your nclex.. im taking mine next week as well. just as long as you have the determination, dedication, and confidence.. i think you'll do really good. and you def have all those traits! Good luck!

Im taking my NCLEX-PN next week as well...i was very hesitant to re-schedule again for like the 4th time, but I told myself Ive got to pick myself up and conquer my fear! For the past 3 weeks Ive been only pulling 4 hours of sleep the most just to study and pass this test along with a family and a full time job. this will be my 4th time trying to pass the test so im hoping and praying that I will passs this time around...I am currently taking the Hurst review and it is AWESOME...marlene is wonderful!! Dont give up cause we will one day conquer this...

a Friend of mine gave me a handout and stated is ..

The ARMOUR of GOD--Finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God so that wen the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything to stand. stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled aroundyour waist with the breatplate of righteousness in place and with your feet ftted ith the readines that comes from the gospel of peace. in addition to all this take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions wth all kinds of prayers and request. with this in mind, be alert, and always keep on praying for all the Lords people......GOOD LUCK!!!

Thanks, ChaunceyRN! I really appreciate the vote of confidence! You're testing next week as well?! Cool, and you will definitely be in my prayers (although I know you'll do great!) We made it out of nursing school, so we've gotten past the hard part....this is the last important test, so lets ace it!

Thank you also, Ilovenursing...I read the prayer and its not just something Im going to use for NCLEX, this will be something that I will use for my life! Thank you for letting God use you! Awesome! Its amazing how I was a ball of nerves a couple days ago, and now I just feel so uplifted thanks to everyone on this thread.

According to my knowledge the NCLEX changeS the level of difficulty every three years and the level of diffuculty was changed in April 2010.

I think you're right...after reviewing the article again it looks like this is referring to NCLEX PN only, not NCLEX RN. Thanks for the info.

I got the good pop up from Pearson Vue, the exam cut off @ 75, and I feel GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, magnify the Lord, for HE is worthy to be praised! I can finally put RN behind my name after all these years! Thanks to everyone on the thread for ur positivity and support!

I got the good pop up from Pearson Vue, the exam cut off @ 75, and I feel GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, magnify the Lord, for HE is worthy to be praised! I can finally put RN behind my name after all these years! Thanks to everyone on the thread for ur positivity and support!

Yay!!!! Congrats!

i got the good pop up from pearson vue, the exam cut off @ 75, and i feel good!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, magnify the lord, for he is worthy to be praised! i can finally put rn behind my name after all these years! thanks to everyone on the thread for ur positivity and support!

wow congratulations :yeah::yeah::yeah:... took mine on the 28th of march and after 72 hours of waiting got the good pop up as well....

"to god be the glory":lttang:

Only you can make the decision to reschedule. If you decide to reschedule, then be realistic, and give yourself enough time to address the changes. Personally, I would take it in March. You can always retake it if you are not successful. Give yourself the chance to pass it while it is supposedly easier. Good luck.

I took nclex-pn last March 29, @, its my 3rd test, i was trying to reschedule it on a later time, like in the aftrnoon just like when i took my 1st and 2nd try. But theres no avail in the aftrnoon. Its a worst feeling prior to taking my test. I had not sleep, even though I called off wrk, to do last min studying bfore the test. ( I worked noc shift). And felt horrible after the test, i consumed all the 5 hrs. I finished 160 i think. My question is should i believe in the pvt trick, I checked today, and yest. it wont let me register through the credit page, with the pop up line blah.blah..My brain like to believe 1%, but then something would make me think "don`t fool yourself, so u wont get hurt" "its ur computer that`s defective!" And the last test ques, that i had, bfore i ran out of time, was an easy one, or not a priority ques. I am in limbo, but right now, i am peeking every now and then to my Saunders cd, trying to get ready for the next nclex-pn test...

I took nclex-pn last March 29, @, its my 3rd test, i was trying to reschedule it on a later time, like in the aftrnoon just like when i took my 1st and 2nd try. But theres no avail in the aftrnoon. Its a worst feeling prior to taking my test. I had not sleep, even though I called off wrk, to do last min studying bfore the test. ( I worked noc shift). And felt horrible after the test, i consumed all the 5 hrs. I finished 160 i think. My question is should i believe in the pvt trick, I checked today, and yest. it wont let me register through the credit page, with the pop up line blah.blah..My brain like to believe 1%, but then something would make me think "don`t fool yourself, so u wont get hurt" "its ur computer that`s defective!" And the last test ques, that i had, bfore i ran out of time, was an easy one, or not a priority ques. I am in limbo, but right now, i am peeking every now and then to my Saunders cd, trying to get ready for the next nclex-pn test...

If you're pretty sure that you got the last question right, chances are you passed!! There are 3 responses to PVT...1) it lets you register (which probably means the testtaker was not successful), 2) it tells you to contact your BON (which probably means the test taker passed, and 3) you dont get through to the credit card screen, but it doesnt say to contact your board doesnt have anything to do with passing or failing, it just means results are on hold. So if you got the pop-up which advises you to contact your board, chances are YOU PASSED! Believe in yourself, and (if you do) believe God! Best of luck to you!

MY profile hx says "Delivery successful", the pop up says, "contact your member of board, another registration cannot be made at this time" .I am 98% sure i got my last easy ques. right, caused it gave me a priority ques. afterwards, which i ddnt get to ans. due to running out of time. Bfore i ran out of time, i was ans. 3 or 4 easy ques, which i was so losing interest, then i got pumped up at again when i saw a priority ques. I got stucked to it, they wont take my ans. caused time is up.. During the test i was okay, my brain telling me, "ur gonna be a nurse, u can tackle this test" And in between test i knew i missed a couple of diff ques, cause they threw easy ones after, then i checked my remaining time, im close to be over. But i got shut off, not that computer decided on me, but due to no more time.. Thanks a lot for listening/reading.

wow congratulations :yeah::yeah::yeah:... took mine on the 28th of march and after 72 hours of waiting got the good pop up as well....

"to god be the glory":lttang:


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