Published Mar 26, 2011
44 Posts
I have scored consistently low on Kaplan Q trainers and Q banks (between 48-70%, averaging at about 57%-60%). My Kaplan instructor advised me to complete Q trainer7 before about 3-4 days before I took my boards and if I got less than 65% to reschedule. I am seriously considering it. My test is 03/30, but I am nervous about rescheduling because April 2011 the standard for passing will once again be raised. What do you think? Should I reschedule or just use these 3 days to study really hard. Please help, any input would be appreciated!!!!!!!!!!
11 Posts
I haven't done Kaplan so I couldn't tell you anything about it.
Buttttt I am taking the nclex-pn before april too. And I JUST checked to maybe see if there were any available openings for me if I did actually consider rescheduling... and there's not one single opening until like the end of April. I'm not waiting that long. So I would check to see if you even have the option to change it for a later date. I duno, I kinda just feel like just getting it over with! No matter if I wait a year from now or take it soon, i'll never feel ready!!!
94 Posts
You wouldn't feel that you're ready until you have the courage to face your fear. I took my exam yesterday and I know I wasn't ready at all. Just pray and ask for His guidance.
Thank you both! Appreciate ur responses. I have decided to go ahead and do it. There is no time like the present, and I have a few more days to prepare...still biting my nails, but I feel a little better! Thanks again. I totally agree with getting it out of the way, so good luck to us both!!
be familiar with Spiderman, Mrs. Wee, VCHIPS and My Chicken Hez TB :)
Good Luck and PRAY!!!! :up:
What in the world are those?! Should I be googling?!
Remember ADC - airborne, droplet, contact
My - Measles
Chicken - Chicken Pox
Hez - Herpez Zoster
Private Room - negative pressure with 6-12 air exchanges/hr
Mask, N95 for TB
think of SPIDERMAN!
S - sepsis
S - scarlet fever
S - streptococcal pharyngitis
P - parvovirus B19
P - pneumonia
P - pertussis
I - influenza
D - diptheria (pharyngeal)
E - epiglottitis
R - rubella
M - mumps
M - meningitis
M - mycoplasma or meningeal pneumonia
An - Adenovirus
Private Room or cohort
M - multidrug resistant organism
R - respiratory infection
S - skin infections *
W - wound infxn
E - enteric infxn - clostridium difficile
E - eye infxn - conjunctivitis
V - varicella zoster
C - cutaneous diphtheria
H - herpez simplex
I - impetigo
P - pediculosis
S - scabies
Private room or cohort
*Maintain spatial separation of 3 feet between infected patient and visitors. Door may remain open.
*keep door closed*
Got these mnemonics from this site too. It will help you a lot. Anyways, Do you have La Charity's book?
38,333 Posts
Only you can make the decision to reschedule. If you decide to reschedule, then be realistic, and give yourself enough time to address the changes. Personally, I would take it in March. You can always retake it if you are not successful. Give yourself the chance to pass it while it is supposedly easier. Good luck.
86 Posts
transmission-based precautions:remember adc - airborne, droplet, contactairbornemy - measleschicken - chicken poxhez - herpez zostertbprivate room - negative pressure with 6-12 air exchanges/hrmask, n95 for tbdroplet think of spiderman!s - sepsiss - scarlet fevers - streptococcal pharyngitisp - parvovirus b19p - pneumoniap - pertussisi - influenzad - diptheria (pharyngeal)e - epiglottitisr - rubellam - mumpsm - meningitism - mycoplasma or meningeal pneumoniaan - adenovirusprivate room or cohortmaskcontact precaution mrs.weem - multidrug resistant organismr - respiratory infection s - skin infections *w - wound infxne - enteric infxn - clostridium difficilee - eye infxn - conjunctivitisskin infectionsvchipsv - varicella zosterc - cutaneous diphtheriah - herpez simplexi - impetigop - pediculosiss - scabiesprivate room or cohortglovesgown in addition to droplet precaution:*maintain spatial separation of 3 feet between infected patient and visitors. door may remain open.airborne*keep door closed*got these mnemonics from this site too. it will help you a lot. anyways, do you have la charity's book?
remember adc - airborne, droplet, contact
my - measles
chicken - chicken pox
hez - herpez zoster
private room - negative pressure with 6-12 air exchanges/hr
mask, n95 for tb
think of spiderman!
s - sepsis
s - scarlet fever
s - streptococcal pharyngitis
p - parvovirus b19
p - pneumonia
p - pertussis
i - influenza
d - diptheria (pharyngeal)
e - epiglottitis
r - rubella
m - mumps
m - meningitis
m - mycoplasma or meningeal pneumonia
an - adenovirus
private room or cohort
contact precaution
m - multidrug resistant organism
r - respiratory infection
s - skin infections *
w - wound infxn
e - enteric infxn - clostridium difficile
e - eye infxn - conjunctivitis
skin infections
v - varicella zoster
c - cutaneous diphtheria
h - herpez simplex
i - impetigo
p - pediculosis
s - scabies
in addition to droplet precaution:
*maintain spatial separation of 3 feet between infected patient and visitors. door may remain open.
got these mnemonics from this site too. it will help you a lot. anyways, do you have la charity's book?
i totally agree with this. took the exam last march 23 and this helped me a lot!
practice scores doesn't really matter. what matters is when you know deep within yourself that you're ready. nothing much on the practice tests will come out anyway, just make sure you understand the concepts.
Thank you all so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it, and you all are right about me being the only one to make the decision but all your positivity really helps! Thanks so much for the pneumonics, I had never heard of those but Im sure they will be very helpful. Sooooooooo glad I posted this. Yall are awesome! 3 days and counting....I just spoke with a friend of mine from school, and she said to put away the books because you cant study for this test! I felt the same way about LPN boards, but Im still studying! I need all the help I can get. I want to do my part so God has something to work with!