Help! Interview Questions

Specialties School


I am going for my interview soon and I am studying my interview questions. Can you guys help me

with some answers? 1.) What is a weakness? 2.) what/when would you report to the principal? 3.) When would you report to CPS? 4.) What would you do if you seen a student attempting to buy drugs? 5.) What would you do if you seen students rough housing in the hall ways? 6.) why should we pick you (no school nursing experience) over someone else? 7.) What do you bring to the table or how would you be an assest to the district?

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

Do you want to take a stab at answering these first, and we'll help refine the answers?

Do you want to take a stab at answering these first, and we'll help refine the answers?

Ruby, I always enjoy your point of view on things!! What a great suggestion!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

I could just be riding in the tail end of the slinky employers give interview questions to applicants in advance nowadays?

No I'm just searching in advance make sure I'm ready for the challenging ones

Do you want to take a stab at answering these first, and we'll help refine the answers?

I will edit and post my answers here in a bit and any advice would be helpfully.

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.

#1. I just care too darned much.

#6. See above.

Perhaps think how you would respond to some actual medical emergencies.

Anxiously awaiting your answers to the questions.

#1. I just care too darned much.

#6. See above.

lol classic.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
No I'm just searching in advance make sure I'm ready for the challenging ones

I think these are good questions. Also consider a prioritization question. Such as...a coach comes in with chest pain, a kid is brought in by a teacher with an obvious fracture, and a kid comes in needing a breathing treatment. All in three minutes. What would you do???

What is the difference between 504 and IEP?

Specializes in NCSN.
I think these are good questions. Also consider a prioritization question. Such as...a coach comes in with chest pain, a kid is brought in by a teacher with an obvious fracture, and a kid comes in needing a breathing treatment. All in three minutes. What would you do???

I love this...even though since I'm studying for the cert exam it immediately triggers a twinge of anxiety (i'm one of the testing anxiety crew)

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
I love this...even though since I'm studying for the cert exam it immediately triggers a twinge of anxiety (i'm one of the testing anxiety crew)

You are going to rock this!!!

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