HELP! I got dismissed from my nursing school

Nursing Students General Students


The school is a private school and this is what happened.

It was my last day of clinical (and last 6 months) and I was supposed to shadow a nurse in the emergency fast track (basically a department dedicated for non emergency care). When I was put there, there were no patients around because the department just opened. So what we did was just talk and after a while she started working on her paper work. This lasted for a good 20 minutes until our first patient arrived.

Unfortunately at this point, I was very tired and I came inside with the patient. Everything was fine, I told the patient I was very tired because I stayed up the night before working on a paper and that today was my last clinical. After that was done, the nurse again started working on her paper work. Again, I just sat there for like almost 10min.

Finally she got up, ready to give a shot to the patient, and I immediately followed her but she told me to stay. After this, she came back and that was the end.

We sat for another half hour doing absolutely nothing. I even went to every patient room to look busy and went to the bathroom to clean it but still I had a great deal of free time. I sat on my chair again, and again started looking very tired. After the shift finally ended my nursing instructor came down to relieve me.

Unfortunately, the nurse told my clinical instructor what happened. My clinical instructor was furious, and a long story short she than told the dean. And then during my clinical evaluation they failed me.

I still don't understand why. I was tired, that was all. They forced the nurse to write a report about what happened, and by force I mean the dean calling that nurse several times for nearly 2 weeks until the nurse finally wrote the report.

Under why I failed it stated because of inconsistencies in performance, and paper work. However, all my paperwork was fine. I passed with everything with at least B's. The same applied to performance. I argued and argued but no avail.

Last week the V.P. of academic affairs gave me my final appeal decision which was that the nursing committee decision stands. Her final decision is "had the POTENTIAL to put patients as risk".

This doesn't make sense. If I wanted to, I could have just told the nurse I am feeling very fatigued and I need to leave. We as nursing students have every right to do that if it may endanger a patient. But obviously that was not the case because I chose to observe that day rather than having a patient assignment, as did others because it was the last day.

I am furious. I want to sue under breach of contract, (nothing states I cannot come to clinical being tired) and being arbitrary and capricious in their decision.

Any advice?

What do I need to prove to win?

Please help.

Additional details

  • All charges against me have been false. From paperwork to performance (have weekly clinical evaluation forms that state I was performing well. I passed all paperwork as wel.
  • I was in the ICU earlier that morning, without incident. Under the watch of many medical personal. No one complained.
  • The nurse report stated "his eyes were closing, nodding off, and jerking himself side to side to stay awake". It does not say I fell asleep. Allegations which the department said I did.
  • I have other nursing students who wrote for me stating that they observed others being extremely tired to clinical. And displayed similar behavior themselves. But no consequences, because obviously it was a onetime thing. (Just like my incident).
  • I was never warned, it was out of nowhere. Previous landmark decisions in court have stated that students are entitled to be told of their inferior performance, in order to improve. I was not told this. And again documentation states I was progressing well.
  • Nothing is objective. Nobody say me physically sleeping. It's one nurse assumption that I was very tired. The school is interpretating the incident as me putting a patient in danger. Impossible seeing that I had no patient assignment.
  • I was merely an observer.


I have read all the messages. My, there are a lot of nurses out there who are eating their young. In my 29 years of RN experience in 6 different states, I have seen quite a few staff members-RN,LPN,CNA, etc sleeping on the job. The only ones who were terminated were the ones who did not have any friends in administration. Nursing is unfortunately similar to all other jobs--its not what you do that counts, its who you know. And so I say to you-former nursing student-#1 You're crazy to want to be a nurse to begin with-what happened to you in nursing school is just the beginning of what its like to be a nurse in this country and #2 Sue that nursing school . Don't let anyone discourage you from doing so.

Hey buddy, I dont want to knock you when youre already down but its more or less like "HELP! I dismissed myself from nursing school!"

This is our job, we are held to a standard of care

I really dont see an excuse for nodding off during clinicals. There are so many things you could do to fill your time, restocking something ..making the beds, assisting the nurse with her paper work..something!

On a given day I wake up at 0530 for clinicals to get there an hour early (breakfast at the site is cheap and yummy) then get home around 4 ..only to go to my night job at 7, so I can get home 0730 the next day.

I have yet to nod off anywhere (luckily for me I work friday, saturday, and sundays) ..Its extreme, but if my job prevented me from succeeding in NS or placed a patient in danger I wouldve said check please ..this is much more important.

Im sure you learned a wonderful lesson from this, its not a conspiracy against you. One day you'll make a wonderful, energetic nurse...Im sure.

You are totally correct, many people have a little mental ability, so, they decide to go into NURSING, thinking about the money and social statis, the one thing they may not realize is that nursing is very hard work. To be a nursing is to be a hard working. I understand about being tired and worn out, and thats life, and I expect when I am a nurse that I will be always tired and worning out, because I am going to give 100% of myself to help people and my patients. People health is a very serious thing, and people should be very serious when they decide to become Health care workers, we are supose to give our patient 100% of ourselves and if we are too:yawn: tired then we are giving them nothing.

Youre already upset about losing 20 grand down the drain, lets see how upset you get after losing more money behind court costs, and lawyer fees.

I know youre disappointed, I know some feel like we're ganging up on you (which isnt the case at all) theres too many holes in your story.

If i were you, I would go the LPN route so I can start working as a licensed professional in a year, then go for the gold

Think about it like this, pretend for a minute that the people that responded to your post are the jury, I can safely bet that they wouldve all found the school innocent.

Schools arent built to fail people, its not a conspiracy against you. The school didnt fail you, you failed you. January is around the corner, try to enroll in a LPN program that starts in September and take this as a lesson learned.

STREGA55- my boyfriend is a lawyer (has been for many years) and even he agrees that there is not much legally you can do.

In the end it will get you nowhere and you'll have wasted time and money. You have to ask yourself if its really worth trying to get a lawyer to take on the case (not many will) because of various reasons others have already pointed out. In the end, you won't get to finish clinical and their decision was already decided final.

What the school did is unprofessional but so is showing up to clinical sleepy and tired. As a student, I know how it feels to know something is wrong even though "the powers to be" say otherwise. You gotta be humble and take it like a champ. At the end of the day, suing them won't get you any closer to graduating or passing NCLEX. So like I said before move on and try to get assignments done earlier so you won't be up late finishing it and you won't have this happen to you again.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you decide to react to it.

Sorry about that.Since you can't win in this school, why not tranfer to another school?


Specializes in Emergency.

I have just read all the posts for this thread. I agree with the people who stated you are not accepting blame for your actions.

The way I have interpreted your posts: You have done NOTHING wrong (you have), you are not accepting responsibility for your actions (you need to) and you feel the school owes you (they don't).

You behaved in an unprofessional manner by telling the patient you were tired. The patient isn't there for you, you are there for the patient. You not only made yourself look bad, you made your nursing school look bad. Of course you had the POTENTIAL to harm a patient, we all do when we are tired.

As far as dismissing you (or expelling you) from the program, I personally feel as though you deserved it. You haven't accepted responsibility for your actions and you have been argumentative. I also feel as though the school is saving your future employers a great deal of grief because, from the way you have expressed yourself in this thread, you have the potential (there's that word again) to be a royal pain in the behind.

To those who feel that there have been a great deal of people that are unsupportive or are "eating their young", would you want this person to care for you or your family member? I sure wouldn't. Even the most alert nurse makes mistakes, a tired one is all but guaranteed to make a mistake.

None of us is perfect and we all make mistakes. But there is a time to own up to our mistakes, and this is the time for the original poster to do that. Accept responsibility for your actions and move on. By doing this, you show that you can be a good nurse. Being argumentative and refusing to admit you may be wrong just proves to the nursing school that you are not nurse material.

Come to terms with this and move on.

You screwed up a bit. Not hugely, definatley not worth getting kicked out, but it doesn't matter now. Let this unfortunate situation empower you forward. Zone all of your anger and angst against this nursing school into moving forward and kicking butt at the new school you'll attend. Use this interum time to reflect on what has happened and how you're going to change your game. Next time you won't let this happen.

Now research on schools that allow re-applicants; I'm not sure where you're at and if you're able to travel to go to school. I'd call the local community colleges and see what they say. Go in and talk to one of their counselors, you are not the first one this happened to. Then I'd check the private schools. Sometimes they are more open to unusual circumstances such as yours.

When you get into a new school please take the lesson from this circumstance and be on the top of your game. Go to bed early, have your stuff laid out for clinical, be overprepared for clinical, and always be on top of your game at clinical. It's important to do good in lectures but clinicals it's so easy to screw up there even when you've had a full nights sleep so why risk it? There have been a lot of harsh responses on this board. Most of us have gone to clinical on a few hours sleep at one time or another we just learned to not let it show in the least. You cannot slack in nursing school, it's just not an option. Good luck to you.

While I'm sorry to hear that you were dismissed from your program, I have to wonder what you would have thought if you were coming into the ER and saw a nurse sleeping or even sitting at the desk with their eyes closed. Dude, you should have been up off your butt looking around the ER, exploring, asking questions, whatever. You had an opportunity here that alot of nursing students these days don't get and that was to expand your knowledge. The ER uses many more types of equipment than the floors and if the nurse you were shadowing had experience, you missed it. I think the nurse didn't want to write you up because she didn't want to be involved in getting you in trouble, not that you didn't do anyrhing wrong. I can only imagine what she might have been thinking while you were sitting there with eyes closed, muscles jerking. Learn from this mistake and don't blame anyone but yourself for this mistake.

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

I don't think the OP is looking at this thread anymore.

You were dimissed on performance issues.....I would have to agree that dozing off during your clinical observing or not is clearly a performance issue. I would of had issue as a preceptor,instructor or colleague as well. I don't think you should be making excuses for your behaviour as it is indeed YOUR behaviour. With that being said, I would admit that the outcome seems harsh. Did you take any responsibility in your actions at the time? If you made the same number of excuses to your instructor, peers and Dean perhaps it was the lack of responsibility & accountability you demonstrated after the incident that hurt you the most. (Just a thought)

I am sorry for what happened to you. If I were you, I wouldn't blame the nurse, but the instructor. It is unusual to dismiss students from the nursing programs (especially if you are paying), unless the student's performance is very poor. Usually they follow the "3 strikes you are out rule".

Why would you follow a nurse on your last day of clinical? You should have been independent. Also, it is time consuming for nurses to deal with students, now I know it because I am on the other side. Go back, don't give up, but remember to always make yourself useful. It is not your job to clean bathrooms, but as long as there are patients there should be something you could do.

Good luck to you

Specializes in med surg, geriatric, clinical, pool.

Oh did you ever say a mouth full! I would say don't push your luck and repeat, keeping very quiet, they seem to like those best who don't rock the boat! I tried beating it myself and realized there was no way.

Take it from me. Go in with a smile on your face and "face the music" like a man.

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