HELP! Failed NCLEX several times


I'm wondering kind of the same thing too. I've taken the nclex rn 4 times now and I got a letter stating I have one more chance before dec.31st of this year to pass. My state board is colorado and they just passed that rule. I tryed to get clarification (about if i fail again, what happens) but i was on hold for 15 min before i finally hung up. I realize i should just wait on the phone to talk to someone but does anyone know?? I was near passing in all the categories. Any ideas for studying materials?

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Thread moved to NCLEX forum from CRNA--- CRNA exam totally different.

Look at threads in this forum to give you study ideas.

Have you tried Kaplan?? There pass rate is fairly high. I am freaking out right now cause I just took the NCLEX this morning, but the questions were formatted extremely similar to those of Kaplan. I will let you know how much KAplan helped when I get my results! :)

I havent taken the NCLEX yet but am currently trying suzanne's plan to prepare myself for the test. Have you tried her plan yet? It may be helpful for you because everything I have heard about it is very postive.


Sorry to hear about your troubles. Definitely take the one-week Kaplan review course. Without it, I never would have passed. It does an awesome job of preparing you. Also, remember, do not read too much into each test question. My nursing instructors always said "if you could do only one thing for the patient, which choice would be the best (of the choices listed)"? That advice helped me so much.

I suggest the Kaplan strategy book. It helped me a lot too aside from the actual Kaplan course study.

Best of luck to you!

Wishing you good luck.

good luck and please tell us and any kind of advise.

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.
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