Help! Bought an online test bank not sure what to do!

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A student in my class bought an online test bank and shared it with the entire class, well little did we know that when we took our test on Monday that it was exactly the same! Could we get kicked out of nursing school for this????

19 other students had it as well!!

Yea there's other students in the program that had it too but lied and said they didn't at questioning and the girl that bought the test bank has proof that she sent it to them and has given it to the instructor, nursing director, and dean if health sciences. They are still in the program taking their finals Thursday. They just said that it'll bite them in the but when they go to take the NCCLEX but I still think it's not fair when they have hard evidence... I'm wondering if it has to do with their accreditation bc if all students had it and are kicked out they won't have a graduating program this year? I'm not sure I know nothing about that kind of stuff but I just feel that if they aren't going to overturn our appeal that they should at least be fair.

Our next appeal is a council if 6 people that have nothing to do with the nursing program. So we'll see what they have to say if this appeal isn't approved. I'm supposed to hear back from this appeal today or tomorrow.

Also my grades have been pretty good in class before this test, so it's not like I needed the test bank to pass andall the information in the test bank was in our points and notes. And the girl that bought it has proof of when she bought it so that they wouldn't think we had it longer than that one test. Also the test bank doesn't say student or teacher? I know someone commented earlier about that? It just says test bank last copyrighted in 2011.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
NicolleM said:
Also my grades have been pretty good in class before this test, so it's not like I needed the test bank to pass andall the information in the test bank was in our points and notes. And the girl that bought it has proof of when she bought it so that they wouldn't think we had it longer than that one test. Also the test bank doesn't say student or teacher? I know someone commented earlier about that? It just says test bank last copyrighted in 2011.

In my experience, focus on YOUR merits, your actions and not on the actions of others. How do you know the other students denied having the test bank? Perhaps they are the ones that came forward?

If your class notes & power points that YOU used to prepare cover the full content of the exams bring that. If your required text & study guide have questions (or a variation) that appeared on exams bring those. Focus on your merits, grades, awards, leadership and perhaps volunteer work. Offer ways to make amends such as teach prospective or first year students what lessons you have learned from this debacle and how they can avoid the same error. If your past grades were B's and better, and your notes, texts & study guides indicate the material you studied you would have passed the test regardless. Perhaps ask if your retake was scored.

The website your classmate bought from clearly was not an authorized seller and that should have been a clue but what is done us done.

Good luck.

I've presented them with my grades and study materials but they seem to think it doesn't matter. I just want fairness and some of the other students have spoken to is since and told us that they denied it.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Just playing devils advocate-- If they are the students that came forward you will never know, they'd likely rather be labeled as liars than tattletales/snitches.

Looks like your only hope for this program is compassion/leniency from the 6 person panel.

Specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

As a side note, I know you are upset about fairness and all, but why try so hard to get others remove from the program. I know it sucks, but as others said, maybe they came forward the day of the test or the next. Maybe the school thinks that the person who bought the test bank was being spiteful. SHe can prove she sent them the test bank, but not that they actually used it. Without being in the students head, there is no way to prove those students used it. As much as it sucks that you were removed from the program and they weren't, it does not make it right to try so hard to get everyone else removed.

When I was a department manager for a large retail chain, I was instructing an employee how to use an order picker in an open aisle. I was told by numerous upper management that this was ok. HR caught me and I got a final written warning for safety and was almost fired (I had previously had a perfect record at this company, but policy is policy and I should have read it). Now if I had told them the managers names who assured me this was ok, they probably would have all gotten fired. I even mentioned that I was told by people higher up than me and indicated that I wouldn't feel right naming them and would just let them all know that it was a terminable offense. I didn't feel it was right to throw 5 other people under the bus because I didn't take the time to see if what I was doing was ok.

Same concept applies here. Focus on yourself and what you did. Not what other are "getting away with." Also keep in mind, if the students you are calling liars did in fact come forward before you, would you appreciate them giving all the faculty your name to try and get you removed from the program. Would you think that was fair? Would you be really upset with your classmates? You are mad, but that doesn't mean you need to take the whole class down with you. Especially if you know it was an accident on your part and were unaware that it was considered cheating. The students your ar calling out probably thought the same thing so why is it fair to try and get them removed if they were lucky enough not to be. I truly hope your appeals process goes well and you get back in, but on the same note focus on YOURSELF. Not everyone else.

The OP stated that it was shared with the entire class. The OP stated that over half the class was dismissed. The OP stated that the students that remain in the program were asked if they had a copy of the test bank and they said no they did not. If the reason for being dismissed from the program is having the test bank , then I too would be upset that it seems to be a pick and choose thing if there is proof that everyone had the test bank. All should be treated the same, either way, dismissed or allowed to remain. I guess I am still confused as to why some were dismissed and some allowed to remain. Having the test bank does not appear to be the reason for being dismissed since it can be proven via email that all had it.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

But no one knows if the students still in the program alerted the instructor to the issue right away. ( rather than wait 3 days like the OP. The grounds for her appeal being denied twice was the delay in saying anything more so than having access to an illicit test bank)

The other students do not owe anyone an explanation as to their interview with school admin. So why it may seem "unfair" the OP only knows that she was told the students denied having the test bank and that the student who purchased the test bank brought in email copies that included these students as part of her "defense" in appealing the decision.

Trying to implicate others as a defense to your own actions rarely works in your favor. Lesson learned. Accept responsibility for your own actions and choices and accept the consequences. I agree that following the appeals process in this case rather than accepting the academic dismissal is a good choice since when the OP utilized the test bank she did not understand what it was or why it might be wrong.

So what did you hear back OP?

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
springchick1 said:
So what did you hear back OP?

She hasn't been back....I was wondering this myself.




You WILL be dismissed for academic dishonesty!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Last she posted she was awaiting 3rd level appeals that would be handled by parties not affiliated with the nursing department. Although she brought her notes showing she had the same information her first two appeals were denied since she knew at the time of the test the questions were directly from the test bank purchased online & distributed by a classmate. The grounds for both denials was not so much that she used the test bank but that she never came forward and didn't say anything until Thursday (3 days after test )

I think the whole thing is bull. I don't think the students ever expected the test to be exactly like the test bank!! Geez they where just looking for supplemental learning material. I think all the tests I've taken in prerequisites where made by the teacher not from a test bank. The students should just have to take a new test and move on. Cheating to me would be copying or purchasing papers ect. The site looks like a place to get study material to me. I myself am always looking for supp study material. Like you tube,khan academy ect.

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