Hello there!


Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself! My name is Adele, I am an English nurse and LETINA is my auntie! She kept bullying me into dropping u all a line and tell my story! I have to admit, she speaks highly of u all and says u have all been really helpful!

Soooooo, here it is...........I started the 'ball rolling' in November 2004, when I applied to CGFNS. Now that was a long experience, but, eventually, they issued my report and the Florida Board issued my ATT within a week! I sat my NCLEX on the 4th July (A very good omen!) thought I had failed miserably but PASSED! I was then offered employment (with Auntie Tina, sorry I mean LeTina!), sent all my relevant documentation and I am currently waiting for completion of my Visascreen! I have been told that I will be there within 4-5 months! So there u go, thats me and thats my story! Please feel free to comment, especially as I have read an awful lot of stories giving negative feedback :crying2: , its nice to read the system does work, just be patient!


Greetings and welcome to allnurses, good luck to you! :Melody:

Now that wasn't so hard was it? :chuckle

Oh and welcome to allnurses! :kiss

I wish you the best for America. and your further career. I have podered too about going aboard but for now I 've decided to study. But working in America sounds great, are you going to stay there?

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Hello, and welcome to the great family of allnurses. Enjoy your stay.:)

I wish you the best for America. and your further career. I have podered too about going aboard but for now I 've decided to study. But working in America sounds great, are you going to stay there?

Thank u for your kind wishes! If all goes well, yes, I def intend to stay there!

I have a husband and a son of seven, so we really want to make a life there!


Now that wasn't so hard was it? :chuckle

Oh and welcome to allnurses! :kiss

Oh, give over!

Specializes in Medical-Surgical.

Hello and welcome to allnurses!

glad that the facility finally got everything moving. :)

and a big welcome to allnurses.com..........

and just think that i get to tease her about having a grand-nephew that old. :chuckle

give her a big hug from me............. :balloons:

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Hello and welcome to allnurses :balloons:

Didnt know you were that old Tina :rotfl:

A niece with a son who is 7 years old.

Seriously love Tina lots and we are on same course to US and comparing notes along the way.

So You going to Florida then to live near Great old Aunty Tina (sorry couldn't resist) :rotfl: :rotfl:

ps my neice is only 11yrs younger than me

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

welcome to allnurses.... you will find it very addictive :Melody:

Didnt know you were that old Tina :rotfl:

So You going to Florida then to live near Great old Aunty Tina (sorry couldn't resist) :rotfl: :rotfl:

See Adele, now look what you've gone and done!! And they all thought I was a babe on here! :lol_hitti

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