Published Dec 31, 2007
Ms Kylee
1 Article; 782 Posts
I'm all set to start my new job in Hospice on Jan 7, and this past Friday, my boss calls me into his office. I was told I have to pay back the money that the hospital paid for my nursing assistant class and I have to pay back the whole amount. They will not prorate my time, or let me make payments. My other choice is I have to stay full time until May to work out my year. Needless to say, I'm hurt, shocked, and downright ticked off that they would wait until I'm practically out the door to hit me with this information.
As one who doesn't have a spare few thousand in my checking account, I feel like I'm being held hostage.
I talked to Hospice HR and explained the situation, and bless them, they're willing to put me on as Casual until I May.
I'm just so frustrated I want to scream.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
I'm curious ... When you received the educational program, did you sign a contract or employment agreement?
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
if you did sign some sort of contract, i would expect to review a copy of it, and read every, single word of it.
i would also beg, borrow or steal (preferably a loan from a bank) to pay them off.
if you didn't sign a contract, see ya...
14,633 Posts
I'm with the other posters. Did you sign a binding contract/agreement when you took the money for the CNA course? If so, it was your responsibility at the time to read it carefully and be aware of what you were agreeing to. If there is a contract and it specifies what your boss has told you, you're obligated to abide by the contract.
On the other hand, if there was no written agreement at the time (I find it v. hard to believe hospitals would hand out money with one, but I suppose it's possible), you don't owe them anything.
Good luck with your new position --
It was so long ago, I really don't remember if I signed a contract or not. I do know there are no papers in my work folder (prescription plan coverage, health insurance coverage, all that kind of stuff) that I have at the house. I"ve tried all options, and the big answer is pay it in full or stay full time. They won't even accept payments.
Well, you can always ask them for documentation of your financial obligation to them (that they made clear to you at the time the conditions of their offer to you (to pay for the class)) -- if there's a contract somewhere, I guarantee you they've got a copy of it (and know where to find it), and, if they can't produce some sort of document, it's hard to see how they can enforce what your boss is telling you.
sharona97, BSN, RN
1,300 Posts
Tell them you would like an appt to go over your personnel file ASAP. You have that right. Ask them where your signature is that clearly states what they are telling you.
38,333 Posts
If this were on its way to a courtroom, your employer would produce the documentation you signed establishing your debt. So there should be no problem in having them produce a copy of the documentation to you at this point to prove to you that you, indeed, owe this debt. Ask for it. If they can't or won't produce it, then perhaps you need to consult with an attorney. Good luck.
340 Posts
I agree....ask the employer for a copy of the contract although I am willing to bet it does exist and states exactly what your manager told you. Our hospital has a sign on bonus and the terms to that bonus are pretty much the same.
I really cant see how you can say you are held hostage or why you think your employer is doing anything wrong. You took the money to continue your training and your employer paid for it......most employers dont pay for things to benefit you unless it also will benefit them and their benefit is having you as their employee for however long it was you agreed to work after completion of the training. If you'd have paid for the training on your own then you'd be free to go work whereever it is you want however since someone else paid for it then you owe them what you promised them in return...they promised you $$ for training and you promised them whatever the contract says you promised.....they delivered their end of the deal and now its your turn to deliver your end either by finishing out the work time or repaying per terms agreed upon.
167 Posts
I was told I have to pay back the money that the hospital paid for my nursing assistant class and I have to pay back the whole amount.
Your info does not say what state you live in. In NJ, if an employer pays for a CNA class they are not allowed, by law, to require that you re-pay or work a set amount of time to re pay the class. Once you are certified you may quit anytime you like to move on to another job.
The hospice you want to work for seems to be willing to work with you, allowing you to be "casual" until May, just be sure that you will have a position at that time that is what you need (full-time, with benefits, etc.)
Good luck.
I agree. The employer can't just "make up" a rule like that after the fact. If there was no agreement ahead of time ... there was no agreement ... and you have no obligation.
Ask them to see a copy of the agreement and/or whatever other documentation they have that you agreed to such a committment.
I'll ask HR when I go back to work. I'm off today and tomorrow, and the rest of the week is PCT class.
Unfortunately, I don't live in NJ.
I'm not a CNA. In my state, you don't need to be a CNA for Acute Care, just take this class. I didn't have to take it, but since I was a new nursing student (just 2 months in at the time) and I hadn't started clinicals yet, I felt I needed the class.
I have no proof they paid for the class as it was taught by one of the Nurse Educators at the hospital and they didn't give me the money.
What I'm the most upset about is they won't give me credit for time served, and they want the whole amount in full.
Oh, well.. it's only 150 some more days.