Held Down and Forced to Take The FLu Shot

Nurses General Nursing


Allright guys, here is my problem:

My mom works as a CNA?CMA in a nursing home. The nursing home is forcing people to take flu shots this year. My mom has never taken a flu shot, she is just a strong believer in not taking it. She knows that I think this is a stupid attidute, but I also respect her right to say no to the shot.

After about a month of trying to bully people into taking thier flu shots with saying that people won't get their pay check, etc. After a couple of calls to the labor board that got fixed pretty fast.

So here is their new tactict: Call people into their office, physically hold them down, and give them the shot.

Of course my mom is terrified. My advice to her was this: As soon as one of the administrators touches her to try to hold her down I told her to call 911. I told her to be sure to let them know that if they try to physically force her to take the flu shot. If they as much as touch her to try to hold her down to take that damn thing she will call 911 and press assault and battery charges against them. I told her to let them know that they have 3 options:

A: Leave me alone, I'll sign a paper that you offered it and I declined.

B: Fire me and we will take the legal route for wrongfull termination.

C: Touch me, give me the shot and I will call 911 and press charges.

So fire away and give me your opinion. What can she do?

Specializes in Dialysis.

yea OP, what HAPPENED??

Give him some time. It looks like he works nights, it's only been two days, and he lives in a different state than his Mom.

We'll find out soon enough :)

Give him some time. It looks like he works nights, it's only been two days, and he lives in a different state than his Mom.

We'll find out soon enough :)

True. :p

True. :p

Patience, Grasshopper.

while you are being held down you can say 'pass me the phone, please'

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

Let's give the OP a chance. We don't know if something bad happened, or maybe the whole situation was exhausting.

Let's give the OP a chance. We don't know if something bad happened, or maybe the whole situation was exhausting.
If someone had tried to do that to my mom, I'd be looking to make bail ...
Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
If someone had tried to do that to my mom, I'd be looking to make bail ...

Yeah, I know what you mean...I'd have a cup walking around allnurses asking you guys for a "get the pagan out of jail" request form. Or if it were my son, it would be a massive funeral.

Yeah, I know what you mean...I'd have a cup walking around allnurses asking you guys for a "get the pagan out of jail" request form. Or if it were my son, it would be a massive funeral.

There should be a poll: How many of us would do something illegal to protect someone we love, or to retaliate against someone who has harmed someone we loved.

I know I would definitely put the hurting on someone if anyone came near my family...

PS You can come near my family... we are a friendly bunch... what I meant was that if anyone tried to harm anyone in my family lol.

There should be a poll: How many of us would do something illegal to protect someone we love, or to retaliate against someone who has harmed someone we loved.

I know I would definitely put the hurting on someone if anyone came near my family...

PS You can come near my family... we are a friendly bunch... what I meant was that if anyone tried to harm anyone in my family lol.

:lol2: I know what you meant.

I put momma bears to shame. You don't mess with mine :angryfire

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
Allright guys, here is my problem:

My mom works as a CNA?CMA in a nursing home. The nursing home is forcing people to take flu shots this year. My mom has never taken a flu shot, she is just a strong believer in not taking it. She knows that I think this is a stupid attidute, but I also respect her right to say no to the shot.

After about a month of trying to bully people into taking thier flu shots with saying that people won't get their pay check, etc. After a couple of calls to the labor board that got fixed pretty fast.

So here is their new tactict: Call people into their office, physically hold them down, and give them the shot.

Of course my mom is terrified. My advice to her was this: As soon as one of the administrators touches her to try to hold her down I told her to call 911. I told her to be sure to let them know that if they try to physically force her to take the flu shot. If they as much as touch her to try to hold her down to take that damn thing she will call 911 and press assault and battery charges against them. I told her to let them know that they have 3 options:

A: Leave me alone, I'll sign a paper that you offered it and I declined.

B: Fire me and we will take the legal route for wrongfull termination.

C: Touch me, give me the shot and I will call 911 and press charges.

So fire away and give me your opinion. What can she do?

This sounds like a totally Bogus threaad

This doesnt happen in real life

Like Nancy Reagan "Just Say No"

thats the end of it.

all the dramatics of the original poster are not even impressive

This doesn't happen in real life?

That is such a sweeping generalization, I don't even know where to begin... so I'll leave it at that.

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