Have you ever worked with someone who had such a nasty attitude that it was almost hostile

Nurses Relations


I've been working at my current job for almost 3 months. Just a few week off orientation working independently.

Last night I worked with 2 other nurses. One happened to be another new nurse. The nurse that had been there longer had the nastiest attitude I've ever seen. From the moment she saw the assignment posted on the board you could just tell she was upset. I'm not sure why, maybe because she would be working with the two newest nurses? She complained, rolled her eyes, made us feel like she didn't want us to be working with her, made it clear that a certain area was hers, very unhelpful as well. It was completely unprofessional.

I notified the nurse manager. Apparently they are good friends, so that wasn't very helpful with the plan that the two of them had come up with. So I sent an email to someone one step higher than my nurse manager. We'll find out today if anything has changed. Apparently this wasn't the first time that this has been an issue with this nurse. Almost makes me feel like I found the wrong job because of this one employee. Advice? Opinions? Similar situations? Please share, thank you.

Specializes in kids.
All of you here are so unsupportive!

Bullies are by no means tolerated. This is lateral violence! If the manager you reported this to does nothing about it then go up the chain of command. Make a big fuss and say you feel threatened. Bullying is not tolerated anymore. You folks here are insane! I have worked in a hospital 18 years and the people that were bullies always ended up out the door. Report them to corporate compliance and if that still doesn't work then they don't deserve a great nurse like you.

When a pre nursing student starts commenting on lateral violence and bullying, I roll MY eyes!!

Specializes in kids.
Always remember...



I agree with some. It was a rush move to report the nasty nurse just by one episode of nasty attitude. I have worked with one nasty nurse and tried to get along. Sometimes they mught be having a bad day or she had experienced bad shifts with new nurses. I would talk to this nasty nurse if I could. They will warm up unless they start ti bully you then that's another story.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I have dealt with two nurses that have been very hostile to each other for the past two days and I'm sure they have been before now. (I only work this job on weekends) As supervisor, I encouraged them to TALK to each other today and they did. After a long talk they have settled their differences and things are better. Sometimes, that's all it takes. Maybe this nurse was just having a bad day, and maybe she was stressed to be working with the newer nurses.

Specializes in Psychiatric.
I was brand new on a job and had one fellow nurse that had everyone fooled. She would smile and hug fellow employees and then turn around and say the nastiest things about them and me. I tried figuring out why she didn't like me and treated me so bad from the start. After 3 months I finally had enough and quit. When I told my supervisor why, she said I should have come to her sooner. Really? After listening to what y'all say and knowing this nurse was putting on a false personality and was so good at it that everyone believed she was so nice.....I had no choice but to quit. It was a smart move. It was an adolescent psyche hospital. I was glad to get out.

I was casually reading the responses to the OP then your reply hit a nerve with me. I also worked with a person who did exactly the same as your colleague. This colleague would also kiss, hug and 'chat' to colleagues PLUS clients and their family members. However she was the most insidious, cruel and manipulative 'person' who extremely neglected her duties to clients, spoke negatively about other staff even acted like they were vindicating her, took long cigarette breaks between every client and even posted client based information on Facebook! Eg. 'RIP XXXXXXX, I loved you like you were my second grandpa. Love you and love to your family. Love always XXXXX xoxoxo' even though she had visited this 'grandpa' and left him in his filth for hours because she ticked the 'refused care' box. I placed multiple complaints and they still did very little.

I am a manager now and after what happened when I reported Elder Abuse, I endeavour to do everything in my power to follow these things through.

I'm working with one of those right now. As a matter of fact, when I went the route all of these fine folks are advising, and attempted to get to the bottom of her terrible attitude with me one on one, she went to our manager and claimed that she felt "threatened" by me because I "got in her face" and was intimidating. Lucky for me, there are 5 cameras in that room that showed a drastically different, and much less dramatic story. She ruined her credibility, looked like a complete fool and has since begun to *sometimes* talk about the things that bother her like an adult, even if it's only when she is asked point blank to talk about her various issues.

I agree with everyone else, even though I understand how difficult it is for someone new to a profession that they have been groomed to believe is full of upstanding, mature, professional, forward thinking individuals. You are going to run into nurses that are a serious pain at times. People who complain about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. People who treat their coworkers poorly.

Develop solid relationships with everyone you work with. Rise above the crap you are sometimes thrown and do your best to work it out with the nurses that are giving you grief. Grow some thicker skin- you only gotta work efficiently and safely with them- not win a popularity contest.

This nurse who is a jerk- she could even teach you a thing or two once she gets her panties out of a wad. Let her bad attitude be her own problem. Let it roll off your back. Keep trying, but dont be a pushover. Give respect and expect the same in return. That goes for petty attitude problems too. Give her the benefit out the doubt, be the bigger person and just come out with it. Ask her whats bothering her. See if that can be the starting place of building rapport.

I wish you the best of luck. It's tough being the new kid on the block, but you've earned your place. Listen to what everyone is saying about dynamics in the work place. They're usually the key to everything. Just because you became a nurse, doesn't mean you've forever transcended "office politics"... In fact, they've only just begun. *sigh*

Because you are new, it is a veru, very bad idea to be reporting this nurse to anyone. You do not know the political climate. It would have been smarter to address the issue directly with this nurse, not in a confrontational way, but on a more curious way. You will only further strain your working relationship with this nurse and potentially other nurses you work with due to your "reporting" of this nurse. Also, you state here that you are waiting to see what will happen after going above the nurse manager...lol, did you want to see her escorted out? If she is a good nurse and is not putting patients in danger, she will not get fired over a bad attitude.

I am actually an older nurse and I recently changed units. The people I work with are beyond passive agressive. I do not engage with them AT ALL. I was actually "called" on in in my yearly review because I "keep to" myself. As if that is a bad thing! Based on the group of nurses I work with, it would be a good thing to nor have people engaging. If someone needs help, I will help, but I bet these people cannot tell you 3 things about me, because I don't break with them, eat lunch with them, or generally fratinize with them. It is all work related, no "fluff."

QUOTE=1Jessie86;8944282]I've been working at my current job for almost 3 months. Just a few week off orientation working independently.

Last night I worked with 2 other nurses. One happened to be another new nurse. The nurse that had been there longer had the nastiest attitude I've ever seen. From the moment she saw the assignment posted on the board you could just tell she was upset. I'm not sure why, maybe because she would be working with the two newest nurses? She complained, rolled her eyes, made us feel like she didn't want us to be working with her, made it clear that a certain area was hers, very unhelpful as well. It was completely unprofessional.

I notified the nurse manager. Apparently they are good friends, so that wasn't very helpful with the plan that the two of them had come up with. So I sent an email to someone one step higher than my nurse manager. We'll find out today if anything has changed. Apparently this wasn't the first time that this has been an issue with this nurse. Almost makes me feel like I found the wrong job because of this one employee. Advice? Opinions? Similar situations? Please share, thank you.

Specializes in med/surg and adult critical care.

Interesting post. I was accused of hitting another nurse in a patient's room in front of a patient. This came from a new nurse who was put in a charge nurse position to visa around those of us who had 20 plus years experience...thus meaning she did not have enough clinical experience or judgement to be a charge nurse. A respiratory therapist was in the room with me and told the higher ups that the assault never happened. This nurse was fired. The entire time this nurse worked in my unit there was nothing but chaos and conflict. Amazing how one person is allowed to run amuck and cause so many problems.

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