Harford Community College Nursing Students

U.S.A. Maryland


Hi, everyone! I just found out a few days ago that I was accepted into Harford's nursing program! First day is May 16th! Just wanted to connect with any others who are attending Harford this summer or fall. I will be in the evening/weekend program, clinicals on Saturdays. :)

Thank you, congrats to you too. Lol, about not having a social life for the next 17months, well I dont mind it, Its worth it. Do you think it possible to have a full time job and still do the program. The lady told me that my classes are gonna be on Thursdays and Tuesdays from i think 5 to 10p and Saturday clinicals from 7a to 5p.

Specializes in NICU.

Hii!! I'm not attending harford community college ..but I just wanted to offer my opinion..I think it is def possible..just depends on your personal stamina...I currently work fulltime and I have been taking 8 credits each semester for the past year and have maintained a 4.0..granted I already have a bachelor's degree so I'm used to the school work

Thank you candygurl, I'll give it a shot.

Newbarb, so what is your name? I'm Greg. I hear ya about it being completely worth not having a social life. It's a small price to pay for such a large reward. About working, I was really nervous about the whole not working full time conversation as well. I was talking to a girl who is graduating the program this summer and she said it's very intense and there is only one person who works full time. That makes me really nervous because I don't have an option, I need to work full time to pay the bills. Luckily, I have a job that allows me to study and do homework. I think that if we're dedicated to our studies and just accept that ALL our free time will be spent studying and writing papers. The only thing that sucked for me is that I am going to have to find someone to help me on Tuesday or Thursday because one of those days we have a lab that starts at 4pm. It's only for the summer session but that means I would have to leave work at like 3:15. But I think we will be able to manage. It's going to be stressful and draining but we can do it.

I tell you one thing, I just started volunteering at shock trauma and it's absolutely amazing. All I could do it watch the nurses in action and just think to myself that I will be doing that very soon. It's so exciting!!!!!! We just have to remember when things get rough that it's all worth it!!!

Hi Greg, am Barb, well i guess we'll have to be real troopers and do both the program and work. I hope you get someone who can work with you, am so glad I did.

I think its cool volunteering, esp at shock trauma, I cannot wait to get my feet wet and be part of the action.

Btw Greg, do you know how long it takes to get a bachelor's after an associates.

Hi Barb! We definitely will have to be troopers. But from what my friend said, the people that will be in the program with us will be like family and the faculty is amazing with being there for help when you need it. It's gonna be hard but definitely worth it. Nothing spectacular ever comes easy. As far as a bachelors program. It depends. First you have to look at whether or not you have your chemistry, statistics and nutrition. They are additional pre reqs. Then depending on what school you go to will depend on how long the program. Hopkins is a 13 and 15 months program, I believe that Maryland is a 13 month program and I'm not sure about Stevenson. You also have Towson but I heard not so good things about them. With having your pre reqs done you looking around 13 months. if you don't mind me asking how old are you?

Hey Barb...have you received your packet yet?

Hi Greg, I have done pretty much all the the prerequisites needed for the bachelors except the Chemistry. Right now am taking Statistic coz I want to get my bachelors as soon as i get my associates.

I havent gotten my packet yet, have you?

I haven't received my packet yet either. She said end of march and since it's spring break there now I'm assuming we'll get it next week. As far as pre reqs I have chemistry and nutrition left. I'd like to get my bachelors ASAP as well. I'd like to do to university of md.

Cool, I cant wait for the packet. I did my CPR, i just wanted to get it over with. UMD sounds awesome for a bachelors, am thinking of trying for all the options, stevensons, towson, baltimore, md, whichever picks me.

So i went on rate my professor, and the professor who'll be with us during evening classes is not rated very well, she apparently transfered from stevenson to harford, so am kinda nervous.

Where did you do CPR? I was waiting to get the packet to get the exact details of which one I can take. I want to do a bachelors program first but they're all during the day and I need to work so I couldn't do it. But who knows what'll happen once I become a nurse. And about our teacher. I know someone in the program and she said she's pretty hard but a great teacher. I actually saw the comments on rate my professor and was thinking the same thing. What a way to start right?!! But I guess it's good to get a hard teacher first that way it could only get better.

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