Harford Community College Nursing Students

U.S.A. Maryland


Hi, everyone! I just found out a few days ago that I was accepted into Harford's nursing program! First day is May 16th! Just wanted to connect with any others who are attending Harford this summer or fall. I will be in the evening/weekend program, clinicals on Saturdays. :)

Shoot, labs are at 4:00? Man I may have to figure something out because I typically work until 5 and I am a good 1/2 away from school. That's interesting that that have labs that early considering it's supposed to be an evening program.

That's good about the exams though because even though they may be harder with 2 possible answers it really prepares you for the NCLEX. How are your clinical instructors?

Yes, labs began either 4pm or 4:30. It seems like so long ago! But after your first semester, you do not have lab any more just lecture. My clinical instructors have ranged from good to okay. Just depends on which instructor you get. There are a number of them. Okay, I gotta run to class! Take care.

Hope class went well tonight. Thanks for all the info. So in your first semester is lab both Tuesday and Thursday or just one of the days? Oh yea, when in May does the program start?

Hi, Djsage13. Lab is only one day a week. You will choose which lab day you want. I am not sure when class starts in May. You will have a orientation luncheon, and class will most likely begin a week after. Last year, classes started I believe around May 22nd.

I think I could probably swinging getting out of work one day early for the first semester. Just weird that they say its a evening weekend program for working adults but they put lab that early. Man, is it April yet, I wanna know already!!!

So How was class last night?

BTW, my name is Greg.

Hi, Greg. Yes, it is a bit early in the evening, but it is only for one night in the first semester. There is so much to learn in lab. I guess the faculty would rather have you come early in the evening than keep you until 10:30 or 11:00. Class was good. We are studying cardiac and EKG readings, and cardiac pharmacology. Very intricate, but good! Don't worry April will be here before you know it! You are not taking classes now?

Since the program goes from May till the following August, how are semesters cut? Is it like summer, fall, winter, spring, summer? Do you get any breaks? So would lab only be during the summer?

Your class sounds interesting. Can't wait to get into all of that. We should meet for coffee or something so I can rack your brains!!!

Unfortunately I am not taking any classes this semester. I am finished all my pre reqs and I am now just waiting. That's what is driving me insane!! It's all the idle time!

Yes, first semester is Mid-May to August. Fall is Beginning of September until Dec 13ish. Spring is end of January to beginning of May. Last semester is 2nd week in May until August. The summer semesters are shorter, but Fall and Spring run the full 15 weeks. There is a one month break in between the first semester and the Fall. The Fall semester ended December 13th and January 24th we started our third semester. This is the longest break. There is only a week break in between the third and final semester. You will get about a week off for Thanksgiving and a week off for Spring break.

I took Chemistry and Nutrition the semester before nursing school. I knew I did not need them for Nursing prereqs, but I knew I needed them for a BSN degree. I would like to work on a BSN degree soon after completing my RN. Those classes (especially Chemistry) kept me occupied before nursing school. :D I finished Chemistry and 2 days later, I was beginning nursing school. BTW, lab is only in the summer.

OH so good, you do get breaks. That was the one thing I was a little hesitant about was that it was just non-stop straight through which could be extremely exhausting. If it isn't already. But that doesn't seem too bad. Would just have to figure out that lab in the summer.

I was going to take nutrition at CCBC but the teacher that was teaching the one I could go to was highly recommended not to take. And the chemistry I was thinking about but would have had to take a intro to chem first because the BSN programs require General Chem and I am unsure if Harford is different but at CCBC intro to chem is a pre req for general chem. So I just decided to take the semester off. But I do want to get my BSN once I get certified as a RN.

I am just hoping my darn teas are high enough. It's weird because there is proficient, advanced and exemplary. Harford adds points this way...1 point for proficient, 3 points for advanced and 5 points for exemplary. I got proficient which I am finding the majority of the people get but the way Harford is grading them it can set people far apart with anything above proficient. I called though and the advising lady said that 23 out of 30 is pretty solid. It's all new to them with the teas. Would figure they would implement it now. Considering I would have been a show in before they made it mandatory.

Greg, I just sent you a inbox message. Let me know if you received it...my private message inbox keeps telling me that there are no sent messages so I am not sure if you got my it.

Yaay for you, I also found out that i got accepted to the evening/weekend program, am so excited. I guess we'll be in the same boat at the same time.

Congrats!!! It's very exciting isn't it. Can't believe we heard back so early. They said we'll get out packets end of May. Are you ready to not have a social life! Lol

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