Harford Community College Nursing Students

U.S.A. Maryland


Hi, everyone! I just found out a few days ago that I was accepted into Harford's nursing program! First day is May 16th! Just wanted to connect with any others who are attending Harford this summer or fall. I will be in the evening/weekend program, clinicals on Saturdays. :)

I work at Hopkins so i took the CPR here coz its free,(haha)...where are you taking your pre reqs?

What do you do at Hopkins? What is the type of CPR do we need? I oil allMy pre reqs at CCBC. What about you?

Sorry Greg, its been a long weekend, lol. Anyways am a tech, I did both adult and child CPR. I also did my pre reqs at CCBC, which campus did you attend?

I was at the Essex campus. Did you only apply to Harford?Are you a med tech. That helps tremendously with clinicals.

I prefer Dundalk, I applied to Essex too for fall 2012. Am a patient tech.

I applied for fall e/w too at CCBC. Did you do e/w also? Which one will you do if you get into CCBC?

I prefered the day program, but am already in Harford so am gonna go through with it. Btw i got my official acceptance letter today, am super psyched, the orientation is on May 7th, 8a to 3p and the we'll get the packets in mid April.

I got the letter too!!!!! Having the official word and seeing that Congratulations!!! makes it feel so good. I signed up for my CPR yesterday. I am doing it at the Baltimore Fire Academy. Only $25! I can't wait to get the packet and see what we need and the uniforms and everything! It's so exciting.

So what area are you from. I am in Perry Hall. It's amazing the difference in tuition from in county to out. It freaking doubles.

Am in the Perry Hall area too,:confused: how weird:lol2:. Am choosing not to think about the double tuition...for now coz it totally sucks.

I got the letter too!!!!! Having the official word and seeing that Congratulations!!! makes it feel so good. I signed up for my CPR yesterday. I am doing it at the Baltimore Fire Academy. Only $25! I can't wait to get the packet and see what we need and the uniforms and everything! It's so exciting.

So what area are you from. I am in Perry Hall. It's amazing the difference in tuition from in county to out. It freaking doubles.

Wouldn't you qualify for the in county since Nursing is part of the workforce shortage program? Something worth looking into.

I was accepted into the accelerated day program at HCC starting May 21st. See you on campus!

Dream2013, what module are you in?

Dream 2013...Can you explain more on why it would be in county with the nursing workforce shortage program?

Barb..I am right off of Pinedale. We should grab a coffee sometime soon.

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