Published May 10, 2011
jrbl77, RN
250 Posts
I have always found nurses week to be interesting and now it has morphed in to health care worker week. In the past I have been invivted to numerous teas, speakers and chair massages that the average staff nurse can;t fit into her 8 or 12 hr shift. What I would really like, is for someone just to acknowledge that I am a valued employee and that i do a good job. Today at my work place, we had a clown come around to meet and greet the staff, while the nurses where trying to pass meds. Please, give me a break. I realize that I don;t have a great sense of humor, but really a clown.But then maybe this is what it has come down to. Anybody else have any special celebration for nsg week? I did see a sign on the door at my mom's LTC thanking all the nurses for their hard work and the jobs they do and I did appreciate it even if I don't work there. Just my 2 cents!
1,850 Posts
I would appreciate being appreciated with a raise.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
This week is full of celebrations at our hospital - snacks, catered BBQ (this is Texas after all), small gifts, all sorts of things. But everyone deserves to be recognized. Money is nice, but I also like to be appreciated.
Mrs. SnowStormRN, RN
557 Posts
When you said "clown" I didnt think you meant an actual clown. LoL! Clowns are for children parties, not nurses - thats ridiculous. Makes it seem like they think nurses week is a joke.
imintrouble, BSN, RN
2,406 Posts
Maybe........treat me better than Bessie the cow.
kool-aide, RN
594 Posts
What would ever give you THAT idea?! lol
when I said clown, I meant clown like with red hair and a costume and a red ball nose.
38,333 Posts
I think the best appreciation for a nurse is to provide a job to a nurse. Second best appreciation is a pay raise for the nurse who does have a job.
245 Posts
Did this clown also ride a unicycle and double as a chaplain?
300 Posts
At our facility, they called it "Nursing Services Week". They "celebrated" nurses, CNAs, volunteers, CRNAs, Scrub Techs, Transporters, etc. I know that the CNA brought a bag of candy to our unit one of the days. It was leftover Easter Candy. :)
346 Posts
I have no idea what the facility has planned for nurses. I know the chaplain blessed our hands which was so touching. Another thing would have touched me more would have been a raise. I'm tired of working like a mule with little appreciation.
At our facility they called it "Nursing Services Week". They "celebrated" nurses, CNAs, volunteers, CRNAs, Scrub Techs, Transporters, etc. I know that the CNA brought a bag of candy to our unit one of the days. It was leftover Easter Candy. :)For "nursing services" week, I can understand honoring nurses(bedside, non-bedside, APNs, etc) and CNAs, but VOLUNTEERS, TRANSPORTERS, AND SURG TECHS?! That's ridiculous.
For "nursing services" week, I can understand honoring nurses(bedside, non-bedside, APNs, etc) and CNAs, but VOLUNTEERS, TRANSPORTERS, AND SURG TECHS?! That's ridiculous.