Published Aug 22, 2011
41 Posts
I've recently lost about 60 pounds, making all of my scrubs too big! In my preparation for my new job I decided to go thru them and see if there was anything worth keeping. Needless to say I ended up with 2 30 gallon trash bags full of scrubs! My boyfriends younger cousin is currently in school to be an MA, with hopes of going into nursing school. They don't have any strict uniform requirments for what they wear to their clinicals. I called her to see if she would like to go thru these 2 big ol bags of clothes that no longer fit me. Within in 10 minutes of getting off the phone with her she was ringing my doorbell. She was so excited to be able to "shop" thru those bags of scrubs. She found alot of things that would fit her and was ecstatic, saying she couldn't wait to choose what she would wear to clinical tomorrow! It made me happy to make her happy. I know what it's like to struggle paycheck to paycheck while getting thru school. What she didn't pick is on it's way to goodwill tomorrow morning, in hopes that it may find its way to someone who might truly need it!
tokmom, BSN, RN
4,568 Posts
Congrats on the weight loss!
849 Posts
Good going! I buy my scrubs resale at Goodwill or a resale store called Family Thrift. Love it!
1,024 Posts
Good for you!!!!! I'm struggling to lose the 30 lbs I put on in nursing the extra 50 lbs I had on me....:smackingf
16 Posts
That's awesome! Way to go on the weight loss! I just started nursing school and am working on losing weight. I've heard people put on weight during school so I'm trying to stop that from happening.
70 Posts
Congrats on the weight loss!! I lost about 50 lbs in '08 and I remember the joy of cleaning out all of my fat clothes. Unfortunately I had to have surgery right when I was approaching my goal weight. I ended up having some post-op complications that made me unable to work out at all for almost three months. Plus, since I wasn't able to cook I pretty much had to live on nasty takeout for all that time. Needless to say, every pound had found its way back on me.
I lost the weight so fast that it screwed up my metabolism and I developed PCOS. Now, it is sooo much harder to lose the weight.
You should be proud of yourself!
honeykrown, MSN, NP
385 Posts
Will shipping be free?
That is awesome! I too, like others have been struggling to get weight off gained from nursing school.
Thanks everyone!! Nursing school is exactly where it came from! There was always some kind of pot luck at least twice a month, plus we had an hour every day to amuse ourselves for lunch. So in the end I packed on a good 60 pounds in the past 2 years. But am slowly getting it off to get back to where I was before nursing school. It's definetly hard but will be worth it in the end.
Don't forget the stress. I also ate to keep myself awake because I worked midnights full time and went to school full time during the day.