Gyn, tampon ?


I am 20 and have never worn a tampon. I have tried many times, but never have succeeded. Is it physically impossible for some people to wear tampons? Or is it just me?? :( It is really frustrating and I feel that something is wrong with me bc I cannot wear one. I have tried the "slim fits" .....should I try those new curved ones???

I have never been, but hope to go soon, to a gyn. I know that I need to go, I have just been putting it off. I am afraid that bc I have never worn a tampon, the exam will be more uncomfortable and hurt more than most people.

Please help! I need advice!!!

Thank you.

Specializes in ER,Neurology, Endocrinology, Pulmonology.

I never used tampons when I was a virgin, but I use them now, because I can't stand wearing pads during the day.

I am very narrow, so nothing feels right going in, even a tampon, but once it's there it's ok. The only suggestion i have besides what others have said is to be relaxed and to use some KY when u are doing it.

good luck.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

Good info Kristi....But don't forget the risks of tampons...I had toxic shock syndrome back in the early 80's-I was one sick puppy-the sickest I have ever been.I know that they have refined tampons these days but I still would think twice before using them-and then only if I really needed to (swimming etc) I was never totally comfortable with them in and they often leaked-so I would change them too soon...Nothing worse then yanking out a dry one-and that set me up for problems....

Pads are wearing a diaper, never mind the esthetics. I never realized using tampons was like rocket science.

Nolenurse, if your gyn exam checks out ok and there is no reason that you can't use tampins, definitely check out the o.b. tampons w/o applicators. They are the only ones I've ever used comfortably. For some reason the ones with applicators never seem to get in the right spot and I always feel like I'm sitting on something!

And yes, i DID take the applicator out..... (I know what y'all were thinking!)

I tried to use the OB tampons and never could get them in, thought they were too dry and too big. I much preferred the ones with the plastic applicators.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by jwl

Pads are wearing a diaper, never mind the esthetics. I never realized using tampons was like rocket science.

NO-not "rocket science" but all woo -hoos are NOT created equal...I'll take a "diaper" over tss anyday...

Before I had my hysterectomy, I was going for all but about 2 or 3 days a month with a seriously large flow and would wear depends for a pad because the large pads did not even help.

Specializes in NICU.

LOL Overnight pads (you know, the aircraft-sized ones?) are my savior. I remember being in high school and asking a friend for a pad, and she handed me this teeny-tiny panty liner. I was like, Umm, how about THREE of these? I went through many years of having to layer them front-to-back so I wouldn't..uh..squeeze any off of the pad (ya'll know what I mean)!

As far as aesthetics go, the only person looking at my pad is me, so I've never worried about *that*. :D

Specializes in Med-surg; OB/Well baby; pulmonology; RTS.
Originally posted by Kristi2377

No pelvic exam is a carnival ride (if yours is, I must have your doctor's number immediately!!)

:chuckle :roll :rotfl: :rotfl: I have not laughed that much in a long time....that is SO funny.....LOL

Seriously now;), I had trouble with tampons too until after I was married. I don't wear them though unless I am going swimming or something of that nature. The key is RELAXATION...use KY to make it a little bit easier; use a mirror to check everything out-besides it will help you in the long run if there are problems down there; you'll be able to distinguish what is normal/not normal for you. Ditto what everyone else has suggested-see a GYN for a pelvic. It is a little uncomfortable-just try to relax; ask the MD or NP to explain EVERYTHING they are going to do before they do it.

Also another little hint-if you squeeze you hands or grip the sides of the exam table, it will make your lady partsl muscles "tense" too, making the exam more difficult. Just place your hands flat on you tummy and take slow deep breaths. If it is just unbearable, remember you can tell them to stop at ANY time.

I prefer regular, cardboard app type, ob, or organic all-cotton ones. The plastic ones aren't biodegradable.

If I were really crunchy, I'd use the washable cotton pads like one girl I know uses. Can you say YUCK?

There are also "slenders" and tampons designed for teens on the market. I'm not sure if they are Tampax, Playtex, or something else though.

Specializes in Pediatrics.


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