Published Jun 11, 2009
253 Posts
I've only been on theses boards for a few days but have quickly become addicted. I want to thank those who posted on my last thread. I found out today, after I had to call my recruiter. I will go in Active Duty as CPT. I am so excited.
athena55, BSN, RN
987 Posts
Hopeful, That's Fantastic News! :w00t::anpom::anpom::hpygrp:
Welcome to the "club"
Do you know where your first PCS will be?
Best of luck to you in your new career and life.
472 Posts
i've only been on theses boards for a few days but have quickly become addicted. i want to thank those who posted on my last thread. i found out today, after i had to call my recruiter. i will go in active duty as cpt. i am so excited.
fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good for you....!!!!! whoo hooo.....................
201 Posts
708 Posts
Congratulations!!! :cheers:
So what's next?
9 Posts
:):DCongratulations!!!!! I wish the best for you and may God walk with you on this new adventure everday of your life!!!!
503 Posts
Just curious, why did you choose to come in as a med-surg 66H accession instead of coming in as an "NP"?
Congrats!!!!!Just curious, why did you choose to come in as a med-surg 66H accession instead of coming in as an "NP"?
I came in Med/surg for a few reasons
1. higher need, better chances of being selected
2. bonus available for med/surg 66H
3. army has MOS for FNP only at this time
4. as an Adult NP(we can treat ages 13 and up) they can take me under med-surg MOS but still use me as a NP, when I toured BAMC they said if I were assigned there they would probaly use me in the clinic as a ANP since they have a need but my MOS will still be 66H, ofcourse army needs will come first
5. I actually want to do RN work, i would love to get critical care skills, but i would still love to be able to do NP work, plus I will need to do some or I won't be able to keep my certification q 5 years
Well, my recruiter said I would Commision in about 30 days and be placed in inactive status, then they submit a request for orders I believe is what he said, someone on the administartion side will contact me about OBLC date, then will commision as Active Duty about 2 days before I leave to FSH. My plans are to go for the course they have in either March or April not sure what month it is.
Thanks to everyone for all the love. You all understand this more than my family and friends. My husband, best friend, sister and brother have been great as well, but you guys really understand, so thanks again for all the congrats!
330 Posts
Keep us updated!
Any idea on where you will go?