GRE Help


I need some advice... I am studying for the GRE AGAIN... My score was very low (870). I don't understand why I have such a hard time on this test. I have master level courses under my belt such as Nursing Research, Nursing Theories, Chemistry, and may GPA and grades are very good! I graduated from and RN to BSN program with honors. Therefore, I am confused to why I can't get this. Is there any tips are advice to what have helped some of you???? I am studying my flash cards now and when I go back to the ones I learned two weeks ago I feel like I'm starting all over again.... I'm very frustrated and feel stupid!:confused:

Specializes in Anesthesia: Peds, General, ENT, Trauma.

Well, first, and obviously you need to study the areas you are weak in....verbal versus math.

I personally used the website: :: Free Online Test Prep

It is free to register and free to use. It has a bunch of vocab and bit of math review.

I liked the website instead of flashcards....but anyway you study...memorization is the key for the verbal portion.

Good luck.

btw...people have been admitted with lower scores, so don't be too hard on yourself. :)

Specializes in Flight/ER/ICU/CVICU.

I used that website also ( Also used GRE for Dummies, Complete Idiot's Guide to the GRE, and a Kaplan review book. As mentioned before, focus on your weakest area.

You can make larger improvements in your math score more quickly. Study that stuff and have it down cold (the way the review books show you). The verbal is the most difficult to improve you score in (memorizing words just takes lots of time). You may be better served learning a few tricks for dealing with the verbal questions that trying to memorize tons of vocabulary (it helped me get a 1280).

Good luck!

Thank you for your help!

I would really concentrate on your quantitative section. Rarely does a program look at your verbal and determine you cant make it based on that. If you have a strong quantitative but are still under 1000, dont worry about it and apply to your schools. Interview is key, just demonstrate what you know clinically with the questions they ask you.

Good Luck

some of the best CRNA's i know did TERRIBLE on their GRE, they got accepted anyway, are excellent practitioners. If you are being denied acceptance based on GRE score. look at other programs. There are some that do not even require it.;)

Hi, I scored 1310 on the GRE, I practiced and Practiced until I rocked it.

You can improve the english part a little, mostly by test taking techniques. The math can be improved greatly. Just learn how to solve problems first, then work on your speed. Problems are always the same, they just look different. Never make long calculations, it if you find yourself making long calculations you are approaching the problem wrong. Take longer for the first problems, you got to get them right so that you get high in the score bracket, then accelerate the pace to finish the test. If you cannot get a problem right, guess, not wild guess, and educated guess, but do not spend too much time on problems that you might not be able to get right. Good luck to you, just work hard and believe in it.

Specializes in STICU; cross-trained in CCU, MICU, CVICU. was a great site....helped out more than most books I bought!

Specializes in trauma ICU,TNCC, NRP, PALS, ACLS.

TGFRN, dont get discourage.... hang in there. I study for a month then quit, then study again. But very soon i will take it and I will do great:):) (Im determine). When do you plan to take it?

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