Grayson County College ADN Fall 2015

U.S.A. Texas


Well, it's time for another application process. I don't know about y'all but I am ready to start this program! I have been reading these threads and boards for what feels like years trying to do all that I can to get in!! And I have finally reached that time.

I just turned in my application. I hope some of y'all are out there reading this. I would like to know who all is applying this year. I just wish it wouldn't take until JULY to find out if we make it in or not!! I understand why but dang! I don't want to commit to something else and then look like a flake 'when' I get my yes from Grayson! :nailbiting:

I just wanted to know where you stood on the points line and how many times you've applied OR if you are currently in the program what kind of advice you can lend and give.


i've been out of town and logged in to catch up on all the comments...i decided to give it a shot and try to enroll in the classes that you posted we would need...and it worked! i'm hoping that's a good sign that enough people decline their offers and i was moved off of the wait list! i guess we will find out next week at orientation looking forward to meeting you all!

mine says only 2 days of classes as well; which i'm kind of happy about considering i live in frisco and it's a long haul out there for me! i was reading online a little bit and apparently you can take clinicals in one of two ways; either 1 12 hour clinical per week or 2 6 hour clinicals per week. but as well a know policies always change so it could be different!

I'm not counting, but 6 more days til orientation.

Okay so I'm counting.:sarcastic:

Me too! I am so nervous/anxious!

i've been out of town and logged in to catch up on all the comments...i decided to give it a shot and try to enroll in the classes that you posted we would need...and it worked! i'm hoping that's a good sign that enough people decline their offers and i was moved off of the wait list! i guess we will find out next week at orientation looking forward to meeting you all!

I am rooting for you!!! I look forward to meeting everyone as well. :up:

Will anyone be traveling from Denton or surrounding area?

Have you all had your flu shot? I haven't had one and the vaccine is discontinued until I am a little concerned.

I was told we didn't have to worry about the flu shot until the fall when the new vaccine comes out.

I will be driving from Frisco (Main/DNT area)

I was told we didn't have to worry about the flu shot until the fall when the new vaccine comes out.

This sounds about right. I believe they do not start administering them until that time. I got mine in October of last year, so I'll have to renew then.

Hi guys! I will be joining you guys this fall! I talked to JB the other day and this is our schedule until clinicals start.

M 8-3

T off

W whatever class you registered for (I'm 10-12)

TR whatever class you registered for (I'm 10-12 and 1-4)

F 8-3

When clinicals start our Tuesday off may trade around with the Monday and Friday class. I have no idea who teaches us during the 8-3 time. That was a surprise to me!

I have also tried to get a book list from JB and the bookstore. Looks like it is top secret. I looked up most of the books on Amazon. So much cheaper! I'm just worried about the CDs that are included with new books.

Does anyone have the full spring syllabus I could see? I've looked for it and cannot find it.

I guess I will see you guys Wednesday!

Wow that sounds like a lot of class time! I'm glad I completed all my co-reqs! I can't imagine taking those classes at the same time as the nursing classes AND completing clinicals at the same time! It's going to be a crazy 2 years but will all be worth it!

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