Graphing calculator for school?

Nursing Students General Students


I'm about to start nursing school and I have a question about calculators. My TI-83 just broke and I'm wondering whether I should re-purchase a graphing calculator or just go with a lower level calculator like a TI-30. Would a graphing calculator be beneficial in nursing school?

Thanks! :)

A graphing calculator is not permitted at my school...nothing programmable. All you really need is one that does the 4 basic functions.

Specializes in Pediatric Hem/Onc.

Don't waste your money. Anything programmable is a big no no.

ITA with other posters, you just need a basic calculator. In my program, they give us the calculators to use during exams.

Specializes in MICU - CCRN, IR, Vascular Surgery.

We aren't even allowed to use scientific calculators at my school. Only the most basic of basic calculators. Pretty much, if it was more than about $5, we can't use it ;P

Specializes in Geriatrics/Retirement Residence.

In my math class we are not allowed to use a calculator. Period. :rolleyes:

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

save your $$$ use one of the those cheapo ones that only has the basic functions

Cheapo calculator it is, then :D

We aren't even allowed calculators... Everything has to be done by hand to show our work. :S

Specializes in MPH Student Fall/14, Emergency, Research.

Yes, I do my nursing math by hand as well. The only reason you might need a graphing calculator is if you need it for Stats.

Yes, I do my nursing math by hand as well. The only reason you might need a graphing calculator is if you need it for Stats.

Ah, I always forget about stats. I feel awkward on this site constantly because in the US you guys have your pre-reqs, where as in CAD they are all part of our program, not offered seperately. Stats didn't even cross my mind... But again, we aren't allowed a calculator for stats either... just expected to use formulas! :confused:

Specializes in CNA.
I'm about to start nursing school and I have a question about calculators. My TI-83 just broke and I'm wondering whether I should re-purchase a graphing calculator or just go with a lower level calculator like a TI-30. Would a graphing calculator be beneficial in nursing school?

Thanks! :)

I don't know why they ever came out with graphing calculators. Anyway, no you will not need one in nursing school. Any basic calculator will do.

On our tests, we cannot use our own calculator. We are given one of those cheap basic ones to use.

I still use an HP 11C gonk I bought back in 1985 when I went to engineering school. It is older than many of my classmates.

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