Grand Canyon RN-BSN

Nursing Students Online Learning


Is there any updated information? I have been in heavy contact with them and am looking at taking their RN-BSN program. I work with a GCU grad and she has nothing but positive things to say, but I want more opinions. ?

Any pro's and cons? Thankfully the only class I'm missing is stats and that is offered in the actual BSN program. I'm a bit nervous as my algebra skills are way old. If anyone took this class, do you have any advice?

Specializes in Cath Lab, Case Management.
I struggled with the flow of that bugger, but I did have those pretty beveled pictures LOL.

Im going to try beveling I haven't done that yet. Hmmmm

Specializes in Cath Lab, Case Management.
Oh, and hand over that link, Buster.

Emoticon envy anyone? :lol2:

I know it well. Lol

Specializes in Cath Lab, Case Management.
Yes, probably the same 15 measly points...unless! Unless you opt to click that little Report Abuse link inside their post. I verified with the IT people that if/when you click that, it goes directly to the instructor and they, and only they, know who tattled and why. The student doesn't know. It is then up to the instructor to shame/degrade/punish that person for either stealing someone else's DQ and trying to take credit for it -or- at the very least plagiarism for copy/pasting and not even having the sense to cite it.

A few of us here have had this issue hit us directly (students stealing replies and passing them off as theirs), and let me tell you it makes me :flamesonb: !! Seriously people, we are adults, this is University for cripe's sake not 3rd grade, it's not that hard to come up with your own blurb, and I'm personally insulted that this is the level you wish to function at. Not off MY DQ you dont. Nope.


Experienced it myself and it still ticks me off!!! No complement to me you want to steal my posts!!! Thieves! I'd throw in an emotie if I wasn't on my mini. Grrrrrr

Specializes in HOSPICE.

Hey Rob4546 I did mine on Diabetes and then searched about primary, secondary, and tertiary wasn't bad at all!

Specializes in ICU/ Surgery/ Nursing Education.
Hey Rob4546 I did mine on Diabetes and then searched about primary, secondary, and tertiary wasn't bad at all!

Thanks. I picked diabetes as well. Finding it hard to find a good/short article on tertiary health promotion. That is my goal for tomorrow, find article, write paper, be done with this week in time for candy!!!!!


Prism is liking my emoticons!!!!!

Specializes in Cath Lab, Case Management.

I did all three, I believe, on Diabetes as well.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

Oh my god you haven't tried beveled pictures? There is a world of possibilities with PowerPoint pictures lol . You can rotate, add reflections and soften the borders, It's just truly almost addicting to make pretty power points. Yes I'm crazy lol.

Specializes in UR/CM, Managed Care.


Prism is liking my emoticons!!!!!

damn you :hlk: tokmmmmmmommmm, he's not shaaaarrrring!!!!!

Specializes in UR/CM, Managed Care.
Oh my god you haven't tried beveled pictures? There is a world of possibilities with PowerPoint pictures lol . You can rotate and add reflections and soften the borders it's just truly almost addicting to make pretty power points. Yes I'm crazy lol.

This is the only reason I like ppts, dare I say they're "fun"?? I like to put fuzzy gold borders around the pictures (to match font color, of course), tilt them to and fro, put tiny little shadows underneath them, remove background here and there, have the words fly in from the top & bottom, all kindsa stuff! First I spend a day looking for the perfect pics, then 2-3d tweaking and re-tweaking, and by Sunday I'll start the ugly task of content. Oh, and then Sunday night have to re-re-tweak the layout for the 437th time. It's the only thing that keeps me interested! Perhaps that's why I only got a 93% on last week's? Hmmm.

Prism: 99% time spent on fun stuff, 1% time on content.

Rubric: 99% graded on content, 1% on layout/use of whitespace.

Not really a mystery I s'pose. But it belongs in the ppt Hall of Fame!

Specializes in Cath Lab, Case Management.

I shall have to step it up. Lol. Still waiting for the grade on this last one.

Specializes in ICU/ Surgery/ Nursing Education.
It is then up to the instructor to shame/degrade/punish that person for either stealing someone else's DQ and trying to take credit for it -or- at the very least plagiarism for copy/pasting and not even having the sense to cite it.

A few of us here have had this issue hit us directly (students stealing replies and passing them off as theirs), and let me tell you it makes me :flamesonb: !! Seriously people, we are adults, this is University for cripe's sake not 3rd grade, it's not that hard to come up with your own blurb, and I'm personally insulted that this is the level you wish to function at. Not off MY DQ you dont. Nope.


I got over policing my fellow students in nursing school. I raised a big stink one time when there was a project due that was required to enter class. I did a great job coming up with a care plan that wasn't in the online extras for the book, everyone else just cut and pasted the care plan out of the online extras. I screamed foul, and my instructor told me "don't mind the idiots "(well that isn't what was said, but what I heard). Nothing was done, I gave up.

I will bring it to the attention if someone uses my post! Not cool. For the people that just cut and paste out of the online book I have always wanted to respond.... "Wow, this is the same information that I read out of the book. Are you one of the authors of the text book?" Or something snarky like that...

tongue_out-909.gif gagging-928.gif

Specializes in Psychiatric.
So the unread posts in the forum...I recently deleted two comments and immediately the unread posts went up by one for each deleted post. Has anyone else noticed that too?

Yes, and they never go away. It's frustrating.

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