Published Mar 29, 2007
33 Posts
i just finished my exam yesterday and i don't know whether its hard or not. what i got were more on priority,lots of infection control, few of delegation and 3 select all that apply. i don't know if that's good enough to say i pass or bad enough that i fail.still need to wait for 12 hours for the results. everytime i'm answering the question,my heart beats fast and i couldn't say whether i made the right choice or guess.what im sure was my last answer was right.huh!!!!
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.
54 Posts
goodluck... ..with what lies ahead...keep us informed
i passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
67 Posts
My result will be tomorrow.
what quesions did you have and when computer stop on what questions.
mine stops on 75.
81 Posts
ihya_fixt, how did you find out so quickly. What state are you in? Congratulations!:balloons:
tons of priority questions and infection control and meds and few of delegations,i have taken my exam last tuesday( march 27) and got my result earlier,its 2 business days.i cant sleep well for 2 days and i earlies i've been waking up every hour to check whether its 8 am and at 7:30 am i tried to check my result and luckily,i passed. i was so happy,after all sleepless was all worth it. my state is Vermont, that's why there is quick result.
so you did it. great.
i had also 75Q also aot of prioroty infectional control, pharm,one calculation peds,i am still waiting. i don't know what to thing that botheres me that questions about infectional contol was 3 in the row? what that mean?
goodluck to you guys,i know you can make it as well.just pray so hard. nothing beats prayer and faith.before i take my exam i said to myself i have to get the 1st number right and luckily my 1st item was an easy one but as i go on,it seems that some of the questions were hard and some were really easy.they said if your getting easy questions theres a bigger chance that you will fail that is why im waiting for the hard questions like select all that apply and as i go on,it seems that the computer was not giving me those type of questions,instead more on priority questions and infection control. at number 40 plus, the computer gave me select all and i was really happy eventhough i'm sure my respose will be incorrect but and it continued and gave me some more select all.when my computer stopped at 75, i said to myself there is a big chance i will make it coz i got some multiple response which they said is a difficult question but also at the back of my mind,still nervous that i may fail as well and don't want to expect too much that i will pass. i just prayed so hard and God granted it.
got lots of infection control as well, did you have select all that apply?
16 Posts
no just 1 drug each question in correct order form one table on the left to another.