got 75 questions and so nervous


i just finished my exam yesterday and i don't know whether its hard or not. what i got were more on priority,lots of infection control, few of delegation and 3 select all that apply. i don't know if that's good enough to say i pass or bad enough that i fail.still need to wait for 12 hours for the results. everytime i'm answering the question,my heart beats fast and i couldn't say whether i made the right choice or guess.what im sure was my last answer was right.huh!!!!

for sure, you will make it. goodluck to you RN.

i just found out that i failed with 75 Q. so sad and don't know what to do what to study how to prepare for second round?

Hi inkbh, sorry to hear you didn't pass, but don't worry you will pass the next time. I suggest you continue to use Kaplan, I was told that it really works. I haven't taken my exam yet, but is expecting to take it April 30th. I noticed that the more questions that I do the higher my score gets. In the beginning I was just getting 50 to 60% correct, but now I'm getting some 65 to 85% correct. I also using Saunders book and CD.

I wish you the best.

soory to hear that inkbh.i agree with chocolate. use kaplan and saunders in preparation for your next's ok to feel that way and let it out. but don't be too discouraged, instead take that a s a challenge that you'll do good next time.everytime i was taking the exam,i always said to myself that i should do my best so i won't regret at the end. eventhough i fail,at least i did my best and just do better next time and if i pass that's so much blessing.just be strong inkbh. just continue answering practice questions at home for 45 days and on your 46th day take the exam and the most important thing,pray.

I just took NCLEX today for the 2nd time. Both times it shut off for me at 75 questions. I did really well in school and have done 1000s of questions. Got lots of priory questions both times. I just wish I knew if priority question are considered the hard one or the "easy" ones. I'm going to feel like a real idiot if I go back to work on Monday and I'm still a G.N. Worst of all, I don't even know what to do differently if I don't pass this time. Last time the score posted exactly 48hrs after I took the test, so hopefully I'll know by 4/1 at 9am. I wish I could just be sedated until I get the results. Reading all the posts on here really helps though. Just don't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed again. :sniff:

ya,i also experienced that this past few days and its really mixed emotions,excited whether you will be an RN and nervous on failing the exam.did you get a lot of select all that apply?

i think hard questions are like select all that apply,drag and drop and hot spots.when it comes to prioritizations,im not sure. but,i got lots of priortizations as well.good luck

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