Good Hospitals For New Grads in Phoenix


I thought I'd start a thread for Phoenix.

Anyone got any good information?

I thought I'd start a thread for Phoenix.

Anyone got any good information?


Are there no good hospitals for New Grads here?

I volunteer at Paridise Vally Hosp... and I love it there. I've decided to get into their nursing program to finish out my school. It's small, but their expanding, and the staff there is awsome! Being a volunteer that isn't either 80 or 18 they bounce me all over the hospital and give me duties they normally wouldn't hand out, I have been working all the departments, and evryone there is awsome. They are very short-handed for ER nurses!

I volunteer at Paridise Vally Hosp... and I love it there. I've decided to get into their nursing program to finish out my school. It's small, but their expanding, and the staff there is awsome! Being a volunteer that isn't either 80 or 18 they bounce me all over the hospital and give me duties they normally wouldn't hand out, I have been working all the departments, and evryone there is awsome. They are very short-handed for ER nurses!
PV's nursing program? what is that all about, I didn't know they had one. I start Phoenix college nursing on the 15th, but live across the street from PV, wish I knew about that sooner.
PV's nursing program? what is that all about, I didn't know they had one. I start Phoenix college nursing on the 15th, but live across the street from PV, wish I knew about that sooner.

If your an employee of the hospital you can enter their nursing program and they pay for all of your edu. That means if you qualify for grants... it's $$$ in your pocket you don't have to payback. You can always transfer at a later semester if you want. If you want full info, the e-mail address is.......

[email protected]

Nancy Webber

They go through numerous diffrent colleged it seems... I'm going to go to a seminar here real soon.

PVCC also has a great nursing program. That's where I attend until I get my CNA next spring so I can work at the hosp.

If your an employee of the hospital you can enter their nursing program and they pay for all of your edu. That means if you qualify for grants... it's $$$ in your pocket you don't have to payback. You can always transfer at a later semester if you want. If you want full info, the e-mail address is.......

[email protected]

Nancy Webber

They go through numerous diffrent colleged it seems... I'm going to go to a seminar here real soon.

PVCC also has a great nursing program. That's where I attend until I get my CNA next spring so I can work at the hosp.

The same is true for Boswell Hospital in Sun City, there is a Nursing edu program affliated with Mesa Community College. There are numerous scholorships available, most of which require a work commitment.

I also believe Banner Desert in Mesas has a ADN program.

Theres lots of monies out there, its woth the resarch.

Best wishes...

Scottsdale Healthcare.

Specializes in ER, Peds, Charge RN.

St. Joes has great programs for new grads in critical care. PM me if you need any particular info. I went through the ER class, and a friend went through the PICU class at the same time. We both had a great experience.

Can you tell me a little more about the new grad classes? Do they require a full time commitment. Would it be possible to work on an RN-BSN degree duringthe first year of working as a nurse?

Does anybody know of a Phoenix hospital that takes new grads into the OR?

I heard the Phoenix Children's Hospital has a wonderful new grad program. Anyone know about it?

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