Published Mar 3, 2005
hi is there anyone that came from LVN to RN to goldenwest college?
37 Posts
i have a friend in the santa ana program. she said a lot of GWC nursing students transfer to the santa ana program because they hated GWC so much and a lot of the students had issues with the instructors. i didn't know you could do this, but man, makes GWC sound very scary.
73 Posts
i heard alot of positive things about santa ana.
522 Posts
HEY! I didn't make up that name! "Golden waste of Time". Like I said, I have had lot's of positive experiences with the students and the instructors. I always considered Golden West and Saddleback RN students rather "elite" and they have much cooler uniforms then Santa Ana, my alma mater.
The instructors seem really helpfull and I always make it a point to let them know the really great things, no matter how insignificant it may seem, that the student did, whether it was a complicated dressing change or being supportive of a patient emotionally. If I ever had a negative experience with a student I would always find a way to talk alone with the student and try and turn it around.
My overall experience with Golden West has been very positive and my impression was that the students were very competent during clinicals.
34 Posts
Hi All,
First of all thanks for the post. I will be attending 1st Semester ADN program at Golden West Collge Spring 06. I don't know much about the school other than it has extremely good pass rate board exam. Could anyone tell me what to expect of the first semester. I want to work 20/week, what do you think? What is the clinical schedule is like?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
26 Posts
Hello everyone,
Very interesting to read the many comments. I will be applying to Goldenwest this week and a few other colleges nearby. How difficult is it to get into the program at Goldenwest and what is the wait like? As far as the horror stories, I'll be so happy just to get in a program regardless of where it's at. I think with anything challenging to obtain, it's what we make of the situation that will determine whether or not it will be a positive experience. Thanks for any feedback.
4 Posts
I am beginning my 2nd year at GWC. Although its practically unheard of, I got in the first time I applied but I am older and I have an advanced degree in a subject other than nursing. First semester was like preschool with a lot of bonding and handholding. 2nd was sheer hell. The worst type of bootcamp with hazing and extreme stress as well as bullying and markedly unfair treatment. I got an A in both semesters but I HATED 2nd semester. A counselor told me that there are 2 types of programs: one that ruthlessly weeds out all but the best and one that nurtures to create the best. GWC is obviously of the first model. It is not a program for inquiring minds or people interested in pursuing other than critical care nursing in the hospital setting. Its their way or the highway. I was told by an instructor that I read too much and ask too many questions. I didn't think the paperwork is so oppressive but my med/surg 2nd semester clinical experience was horrendously awful since the assessment of one's ability is so subjective. I am amazed at how much I've learned and the competencies that I've acquired, yet, I would seriously consider quitting if I hadn't already invested one year of my life.
8 Posts
Thank you so much for the information. I am starting at GWC on August 31st. I have heard similar things from other students entering their 3rd/ 4th semester. I guess the best I can do is prepare myself for what is going to come.
Is there anyone else out there about to start this semester? Or that would like to share their recent GWC experience?
31 Posts
i'm starting this semester too!
my friend is about to start her last semester and her classmates and her love it! i haven't really heard anything bad from her and trust me i make her tell me everything! i think a lot has to do with the student and their attitude. i also worked at one of the best hospital in oc and talked to many nurses who recently graduated from gw. they told me when they got their new grad job in the ed that the recruiter flat out told them there are only certain schools they hire new grads from and that gw was one of them! they did tell me that the program was challenging (duh!) and that the professors were really good but pushed you! i wouldn't believe everything you read beacuse everyone has different experiences.
Oh yeah, I completely agree with you that what is hard for one person might not be hard for another. Everyone perceives things differently. Well it's nice to hear GWC is liked by hospitals, this is not the first time I've heard that either. This is keeping my hopes high that when I graduate I will be able to find a job :)
28 Posts
i'm a first semester student at gwc. love it! instructors are nice and very helpful. one of the second semester students told me that the 2nd is harder than 1st, but doable.