Published Aug 3, 2006
1,249 Posts
I'm just disgusted with a few things, but the other nite was just the topper.
I work nites, and if we are sick or something, we are to find our own replacement. The other day when I woke up, I felt rotten - I had a sore throat, one of those that makes your ears hurt, a fever and a headache. I called the two other nurses who work nites - one refused, and the other never returned my call. I called the DON, and she kind of shrugged her shoulders and said "Oh, well." And that was it - I ended up going in.
This DON has never worked the floors, and I realise that that isn't her job, but I've decided that I'm not going to ever do that again!! I feel like it should be her job to have a plan in place for when things like that happen. Such as having a stand-by agency nurse or something.
I've never called in sick before, but I've gone in for ones who have - I pick up quite a bit for one nurse, but she's the one who never called back. I'm just totally fed-up.
81 Posts
I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope that you are feeling better soon!
406 Posts
Is it policy that you must find your own replacement or are they just telling you that? Usually if I need to call in sick I will try to find a replacement just as a courtesy, but if I can't then I can't. I don't abuse sick leave and when I call in it's because I'm really sick. I don't like to leave my coworkers in a bind but sometimes things happen. I've worked nights when people have called in sick and we were short.
jschut, BSN, RN
2,743 Posts
We are also "supposed" to have that policy, however, we are lucky to have people call in the 2 hours previous! Much less than finding their own replacement!
I'm pretty fed up with my LTCF too...plain ol disgusted to say the least....
Good Luck!
LeahJet, ASN, RN
486 Posts
I don't know, maybe I'm expecting too much....but isn't it management's problem with staffing?
After 10 years of being a nurse, I have called in 5 times....that averages once every 2 years. I wouldn't say that I abuse call-in's. But nothing gripes me more than when they act like it's your fault you're sick!
It is ridiculous to have to try to find a replacement when you are sick.
24 Posts
Sorry that happened to you. Just think of the people you exposed. Not your fault. Your facilty doesn't even care about the patients!
Faeriewand, ASN, RN
1,800 Posts
Yeah I would be looking for a new job too.
What if you called your DON and said you were not coming in because you were too sick? What would have happened?
278 Posts
Sounds like your facility is totally unprofessional and unsupportive of staff. Last time I checked, employees are human beings who get sick sometimes, so having a staffing plan in place is normal business. At my hospital, as long as you call in 4 hours before your shift (and don't abuse it, of course) a replacement is found for you. That's just the reality your facility needs to deal with. In fact, I've never heard of a facility that makes you find your own replacement if you're sick. What kind of a shotty organization is that? Making you go in sick is unfair and unsafe to you and your patients. I'd leave in a heartbeat.
260 Posts
It shouldn't be YOUR job to find a replacement - that's ridiculous! Isn't management supposed to handle staffing? When someone is sick, they are too sick to work, AND they are too sick to call around finding someone to replace them! Pleeeeeezz! That really ticks me off. I thought it was bad that my employer had started scheduling me every Tuesday even though when I was hired I made it very clear that I have FNP classes that she just puts out the schedule and if I'm scheduled to work on Tuesday then I'm supposed to find someone to work for me. (Maybe I should have called in sick on those Tuesdays? She never expects someone to find a replacement when they're sick!)
I was told of this 'policy' when I started, and thought it was kind of stupid. But when the DON just shrugged her shoulders, that was it for me. I've been having a hard time with some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths - such as not calling docs on the weekend or at nite, but this just proved to me how little the staff or residents REALLY matter.
Since I've started this DON has been 'sick' several times and not come in - I guess she's different, tho.:angryfire
955 Posts
That's absolutely ridiculous! If you are sick, you are sick. End of story. What if you had strep throat and were contagious? It should not be your responsibility to find coverage. The DON gets paid more than you do, and the responsibility should fall on her to fill in for you or find someone who will. Next time, simply tell her you are sick and not coming in.