Going back as a senior student...not excited


Specializes in Neuroscience.

Anyone else going into their final year as a nursing student? Does anyone else feel like desperately clinging to the last remnants of summer, wishing they could have access to a time machine to stop time, or at least slow it down?

Assignments for my Sept. semester are slowing being posted, and I feel a sense of dread that is all too familiar. It's like being smothered academically. My life is about to be owned again. It was so nice to have two months where I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted without having to care.

Such a contrast to last summer when I was a naive newbie who couldn't wait to start my first year. Blech.

I cannot wait until this is over.

Sorry for the negativity. I am just not excited at all.


Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I feel the same way. I'm only excited to start so it will end!!!

I feel the same way. I'm only excited to start so it will end!!!

Thats my feelings exactly:)

My school starts on August 27th, and I just finished ob on the 11th, and psych one week before ob, so no break here. We have had homework posted since before ob finished, and have been doing it everyday. So I can't wait for a break in December!

Its not my last year but I am about to go into my third year of a four year BSN program. So I'm also feeling your pain I just really want to be done!

Specializes in ED.

I feel your pain. I am in my final semester and I was completely miserable that last weekend before classes started. 4th semester in my program is heavily front loaded, you get slammed with material and assignments the first week of class and it doesn't let up until practicum in November. I have my first exam tomorrow, less than two weeks after the start of class :(

Specializes in Cardiac intermediate care.

Don't let your senioritis get you down. Good luck with your last year!

This is exactly what I told my husband last night!! I am so glad to know I am not the only one that is slightly dreading my final year! Last summer, completely different story...ahh to be a newbie again! :)

Specializes in Pediatrics and Med Surf Float.

I know that feeling. I went from 6 weeks of torture (micro & psych nursing together) to 6 weeks of pharm with a 3 week break in between then I had 1.5 weeks before starting my (15 week) OB-Peds rotation. talk about burn-out

I just had a 3 month vacation and i am SO ready to get back to the books. my brain is so dusty I think i have cobwebs up there. I think there is a fine line between not enough breaks and too much imho

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

I start after Labor Day and feel the same way. I ahve 2 semesters left. 2 years ago I couldn't wait to start, then I was excited about having more "nursey" classes (med surg 1 and 2) but now I have 2 semesters left and I don't wannnnnnna go back so bad. Its killing me..

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