Gloucester County College Students Sound Off!

U.S.A. New Jersey


Hi folks!

I'm about to enter Nursing 1 at GCC and I thought this would be a pretty opportunity to set up a place to vent and get advise. I'm both excited and nervous about this fall. Maybe it's because every chance the faculty speaks to us, they make it seem we should consider forgetting everything in our lives and just prepare for the most difficult task ever undertaken by man. Not that I think it's not going to be difficult, but common! Anybody else have any thoughts?

Ohh.. and bye the way, Congrats on getting in and God help us!

Do you know the HESI score to pass?

By the way, do you have any of the nurses book that you might like to sell?

Are you referring to the HESI exit exam or the entrance exam?

By the way, do you have any of the nurses book that you might like to sell?

I use them every semester. A few students list their books for sale in the hallways of school around this time of the semester though. Check out the bulletin boards.

Sorry, but I don't have an AIM. However, I was referring to the HESI exit. Do you happen to stillhave the HESI-RN book? I can't find it any Barmes & Nobles or Borders stores. I can order it, but it will take awhile before I recieve it. 'Cause I would like to start reading it soon. The sooner the


Good luck to those who have applied for Fall admission:up:

I got my acceptance letter today! :yeah: See everyone in the fall.

congrats, good luck!

I got my acceptance letter today! :yeah: See everyone in the fall.

Congratulations :yeah:


That's awesome

I got my acceptance letter today too. Looks like we'll be seeing each other :yeah:

I got my acceptance letter today too. Looks like we'll be seeing each other :yeah:



Yay, grats you two! :yeah:

Congrats! My daughter did not get accepted. Do you mind telling me your Hesi scores and Science grade. I thought for sure she would get in. Hopefully, she is borderline and may get a call? How long do they give you for confirmation?....Thanks and best of luck!!!!!

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