getting pregnant and finding a job

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Medical/Surgical, L&D, Postpartum.

hi all...i hope this question does not sound just a prenursing student with 1 more prereq to go...

i want to start a family after nursing school and was just wondering for example if i get pregnant during my last semester of school and pass the nclex and stuff if it will be hard to find a job if i am pregnant...i know employers are not supposed to discriminate...will they be more unwilling to hire someone who is pregnant than someone who isnt? have anyone of you ever applied for a job while being pregant? also, i know the first year of nursing is the most important because that is where the real learning begins...should i wait a year after i graduate?? thanks for the input and sorry if this sounds dumb!

I don't know how difficult it will be to get a job, but just know that for most (or all, not sure) employers, you have to work for a year in order to have your job protected under the Family Medical Leave Act. I live in the Bay Area too and it wasn't too difficult to get a job after school, so there still seems to be a big shortage, so you probably wouldn't have a problem keeping your job while on leave, but your employer can replace you if your job isn't protected. Hope this makes sense.


WAIT :lol2: WAIT :roll WAIT :rolleyes: Why make the last year of nursing school and the adjustment to a new job any more stressful than it already will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Behavioral Health.
WAIT :lol2: WAIT :roll WAIT :rolleyes: Why make the last year of nursing school and the adjustment to a new job any more stressful than it already will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very 1st year of motherhood was an emotional rollercoaster AND my 1st year of nursing was even a BIGGER emotional rollercoaster.

But, hey...whatever works for you.

Best wishes.

Specializes in M/S/Tele, Home Health, Gen ICU.

There is never a perfect time to get pregnant, however, if you are older than 30 ish you don't want to wait too long. I interviewed for and got my present job when I was 30 weeks pregnant!!! Good luck with finishing school, job hunting and baby making :)

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I do not think the first year of nursing and pregnancy mix.

But that is only opinion. The stress will be tremendous, just learning that first year, w/o complicating it w/a planned pregnancy. Having been pregnant on the job, I can say WAIT.

Specializes in Cardiac.

I would wait, seeing that you are 20 yrs old.

When you get to be my age and you can't even hear normal conversation over the ticking of your bio clock, then waiting may be a lilttle harder!

Specializes in NICU.

If you're only 20, why don't you just finish school and get at least a year of work experience before trying for a baby? That first year of nursing after graduation is terribly stressful, and a lot of hard work! Plus, most hospitals need you to do orientation full time (which can be up to 4 months if you work in a specialized area like an ICU) and then it's really best to work full-time for at least a year, to get into the groove of things.

And this is just TOTALLY my personal opinion...

Your 20's are an amazing time - you're done with school, starting a career, making real money, living on your own terms. You only live once, and taking on the responsibility of children when you haven't had time to live as an adult...

Either way, good luck with the rest of school and becoming a nurse!!!

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

I got pregnant the day of finals for nursing school (the last one)!

One- it's a whole lot harder to get preggo in nursing school. Your stress level is very high, although it does happen.

2- You're not going to get FMLA unless you're been at a job a year. I will get a month, MAYBE, when my baby is born. I have to save vacation time and money to get by for that time.


Specializes in geriatrics.

i applied for a job and had my 1st interview went great, then on the 2nd i started to feel like i was hiding something by not telling them i was prego- i saw her write "5 months preg." on her notepad and underline it twice... later in the interview she told me that the facility had decided not to hire me because she didn't want me to start something i could'nt finish. verbatum. it was clearly discrimination and i may have been able to fight it but it was my word against hers and i didn't think it would be worth the fight to work in such a place. this was nearly 2 years ago but i am still ticked....

I was 27 weeks pregnant when I graduated nursing school. The hospital I was at did not hire me on, which was my "plan". I ended up hospitalized and very ill from influenza I was exposed to at work and almost lost the baby. I did find a position at 33 weeks at another hospital but only lasted a month before delivering. It is doable (this wasn't my first) but it's stressful, and if you're not going to make it through orientation, I'd say no. You never know what is going to happen (as in my case) and don't want to step out on the wrong foot with lots of absences (like I did). Not all are as forgiving as my NM.

Get used to a job and what it is going to take to manage a home life with it. Enjoy a little time of not being in school!

Specializes in Medical/Surgical, L&D, Postpartum.

thanks everyone for your opinions...i know i am young and it's so easy to make a's just that everytime that i see one i think to myself i can't wait until that day! i'm lucky that i get to finish school and reach my dream of becoming a nurse and nothing is getting in the way of's so sad to think of all my old high school classmates who have gotten pregnant at such an early age and i told myself that that was not going to be me...i know soooooo many girls that have gotten pregnant so young and there lives are ruined because they don't get to finish school...i guess i'll probably just all are right...the stress of the first year of nursing and having a baby doesnt sound like too much fun to me!!!!:)

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