Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

U.S.A. Georgia


Hopefully, we are getting close to hearing something. I wanted to start a new thread and see if anyone wanted to play the waiting game for fall ADN Program. We've been waiting since April 1st and it's about time we heard something.:anbd:

It is my first choice, but I am also working on classes for my bachelors which I will probably do at West Georgia. If I don't get in for the fall I will have a better shot at Spring since all my classes will be done. I'm taking philosophy and nutrition over the summer.

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.

I just finished Philosophy as a Maymester class!

GHC is my first choice b/c It's convenient to me. I live less than 10 minutes from the campus.

If I don't get in, I will be retaking my "c" class to either try to get into GHC in the spring or to apply somewhere else.

hope for melissa,

my name is melissa as well.

GHC is extremely hard. i feel like most people think that the program is easier than others because it is only a two year program. However this is untrue. it is just as hard if not harder. I feel like people go in there with very different expectations. Out of 113 people that my class started with about 80-85 preceded to the next semester. So which means about twenty or so failed/withdrew. Of the ones who passed, 30% (if not more) were on the border line of not passing. In our program to get a C (which obviously is the grade needed to advance to the next level) you must have a 75.00. If you were to get a 74.99, it wouldn't count... becasue they do not round. There fore with a 74.99 you would receive a "D".

You go to class Mon-Thur for the first semester. Mon&Thur 9-12 and Tue&Wed 9-4. So you are in class an average of 20 hours per week. This does not include your lab time to practice or your lab check offs which you must sign up for outside of class based on the avialability of the instructors. On top of this, the study time that is required for this class is outstanding. Nursing classes are not like your A&P's trust me, if that were so i would have breezed through the program by now. You must study twice as much, and twice the amount of material in less time. you must study everyday in these classes, and it is not memory based test. They are critical thinking tests, which are harder for people. You have a test about every other monday, they are about 100 questions on each one. All multiple choice exept for the clincial calulation questions. These test are differnt. INstead of there being one right answer most questions usually have several right answers and you are to chose the best one, this is the main reason why so many people do struggle with the program. Like me, i do not do as well with those as i could.

your grade is based solely off of the tests. Clincals at the hospitals and the lab check offs do not count as grades. you simply get pass/fail.

Stardan2, I am like you in the fact that some of the classes that I did poorly in years ago might come back to haunt me. I've re-taken the 3 c's I had and made A's but they are still on my transcript and still part of my admission score. I hope that they can look past it, but I am afraid the admin score is all that matters. The thing that stinks is that I have a 3.9 gpa for the past yr 1/2. Which, is good but my gpa from KSU was sooooooooo low from 10 yrs ago :stonethat it pulled my overall gpa down.

I am willing and able to put in the time and effort. I don't expect it to be easy.

First question, I took the regents way years ago. Second question, I only applied to GHC and this is the only place I really want to go. Also, I am so ready for the challenge and I don't expect it to be easy. If it is, I would be worried. I know it cannot be harder than obtaining my chemistry degree....that was HARD!!! But, like I said I LOVE challenges and critical thinking. That's why I chose Chemistry as my major b/c I love critical thinking. I, actually, have a harder time with biology b/c its so much memorization.

I'm the total opposite. I chose west Georgia for my bachelors because you get to choose between chem and bio. I chose bio any day.

does anyone know how much extra stuff we'll have to buy in addition to tuition. I have a bachelors degree already & they are counting all of those hours toward my nursing degree & I've exceeded the allowable hours to apply for Fin. Aid/ gov't loans. Trying to see how much I'll have to come out of pocket so I'm not in shock when I go to pay.

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.


You just don't know how much I appreciate the info you gave us! I'm sure you remember what it's like not knowing what to expect. Were you able to work during your first semester at all? If so, how much?

I'm also interested in the clinical part of it. Did they use your student ID number and the "lottery system" to determine your clinical site?

Do you think that of those people that did not progress to the next semester because of grades just did not put in the study time and take it seriously? Or are there other factors involved in their failure?

Overall, do you like the program? Tell me it is all worth it. :bow:

mthibaud, Thanks for all your fantastic info. How many people from the starting class actually graduate? Also, are all the same students together throughout the program?


I was mthibaud carpool/skills checkoff/study partner....I thought id give you some information too. Its funny ive been on here just about everyday watching this forum. The clincal aspect is only lottery based. Everyone gets in a big line and draws numbers. After you figure out if your number means you pick your number one choice or maybe your last choice, all solely depends on what number you picked. Also, i dont know if its you that asked or another person, but your total expenditure for supplies from the bookstore would be about 1200 dollars. Dont panic, you can get most of them from amazon if not all of them. Your main two books that you use are your fundamentals books and your health assessment book. You can not pass without both of them. However, for those of you in a financal bind(as i was), the med-surg book is basically a combination of the other books. Im not saying dont buy it, but we really didnt use in in the first semester.

I have been watching ya'll because i will be reapplying for the jan track. I had a hard time bc i was a single mom of two going through a divorce.However, i did up meeting my now husband at the end of the class and like a moron chose to not withdraw properly and just fail. He was in the US Army, we were suppose to be moving out of state and didnt. For those of you who have a hard time, do not fret, the reacceptance does NOT look at your grade when you reapply. Only your worksheet. My first test i did horrible, the questions are like nothing you have ever seen. Your biologies do not come close to what a test is going to look like. As Melissa T. said, the amount of material, time you have to prepare, and types of questions, are just completely different. If you struggle at first CHANGE your way of studying. I went from a 58 on the first test to an 85 when i studied "nursing style".

Also hopeformelissa, stop worrying about getting in. Your score is ridiculously good. I promise you, you got in. And btw the cutoff score was not 1160 last year, it was lower than that. I know its agonizing to see if you got in or not, im agonizing watching to see if mthibaud gets back in, and its not even me waiting!! i just need hope to see that i too can get back in. I have my fingers crossed for all of you, in particular i know you will do well though. Just a tid bit of advice, make sure if you have a husband or boyfriend they know your going to need atleast 2 hours a night to study. perhaps more. Make flash cards for pharmacology! Make sure you and your check-off partner practice a couple times a week together, both mthibaud and i were bad about procrastination, we also had jobs though lol. I think weve learned our lesson though! And as far as work goes, i in particular will NOT be working this time around. It really did effect me, and every second to study helps.

Good Luck

Ill be looking to see your first happy comment of " I GOT MY LETTER:) "

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