Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Fall 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Guys! I wanted to start at threat for those who have applied or been accepted to Georgia Baptist College of Nursing for 2015. I applied in October and was accepted last week. The reason I heard back so soon is because I have completed all of my prerequisite classes. Has anyone else applied or heard a response yet? If you all don't mind we could share our stats as well (Teas and GPA) that would be helpful to others viewing the thread. I applied with a 3.6 and a C on my teas. I was afraid that I was going to be denied but I think my essay helped out a ton. I was going to retake a class or my teas but they accepted me before I had to go through all of that. I hope to hear back from you all as we begin this process together. Thank you all so much and good luck to everyone.

@meeep many thanks again, you have been very helpful...I will brush up on my A&P. I need to take series of immunization. Overall this was my first choice and the only school I apply to. I'm just so excited. Me personally, because of the quality of education at gbcn, I don't mind investing in my education.

Hey There! I am not sure how to private message any of the current students, but your help would be appreciated!! I am wondering a few things.

First, is there still a partnership with Piedmont Hospital, or any hospital, and Mercer for tuition repayment?

Are there any online class options the first semester?

Is there a way to go part-time? The way things are worded make me wonder if this can be the case.

Does Mercer defer acceptance? I will have a newborn come June and I wonder if I should just wait one semester to begin! ((That being said, are there options to begin the program in the Spring?))

I promise I have looked at the website and just can't find my answers :) Figured it better to ask here!

Specializes in Psychiatry.

The Piedmont scholars program is no longer. The only online class is a hybrid patho pharm, but you still have to come to campus for exams. There is no part time option. If you defer, you will have to wait until the next Fall as they only admit once a year. You are not guaranteed acceptance the following year as far as I know, but you can double check with admissions to be sure. I would make sure you are able to devote yourself fully to the program before enrolling. I've seen quite a few classmates who did not and ended up having to drop out and be out a whole lot of money.

what did you do as far as paying for school? I have a previous degree so I'm nervous about how much they will cover..

Specializes in Psychiatry.

A decent percentage of my class are second degree seekers, and I haven't heard of anyone having issues. They aren't independently wealthy or anything either. There are merit and need scholarships, but you will most definitely need to take out a loan of some kind.

I got my letter today!!! I am in! :-) Now to start plaining for finances! I am so excited!!

Last Question for Current Students

I am fully prepared to be studying nonstop at home and dedicating all of my time to the program. But I would really like a better idea of the hours I will spend in class or in clinical for the first semester. Time per day and number of days I am away from home.

I have to make a decision completely based on how much time I will be away from home, and need a nanny for my 2 month old at that time :/

A decision a week away, I am stressing a tiny bit :)

Specializes in Psychiatry.

For the first month I would plan on being on campus Monday through Friday from 8am - 5pm. There are some slight variations to that, but you need to be flexible. Later on in the semester, Mondays will not start until 1pm, and you will have either Tuesday or Wednesday off, but you will have simulation on that off day about once a month, so don't get used to having it off as far as scheduling work or childcare goes. You will likely need that off day to catch up on your patho pharm lectures as they are lengthy and must be done outside of class. You need to schedule your life around nursing school, not the other way around. You cannot miss an exam or miss clinical due to childcare issues, so I would definitely pray on it and see if this is doable for your family. Even on your off time, a lot of studying it's required. The amount of material you are expected to learn in a very short period of time is mind-blowing. Make sure you are able to handle it all along with your family responsibilities. Nursing school truly waits for no one. PS I am not saying this to discourage you in any way - I just want you to go into this with your eyes open. I would hate to see you have to drop, or worse, not be successful in the program because you have too much going on at home. That being said, there are plenty of parents with young children who are doing fine in the program. Definitely make sure you have help and support though and know going into it that you likely won't be spending as much time with your family as you would like. Let me know if you have any other questions, it's no bother at all.

meeep you have been extremely helpful throughout this whole thing, I appreciate it. are you living on campus or know anyone that is? if so how is it? I just got approved for my one bedroom.

and are any of you going to the social and networking event?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I live on campus and love it! It's so nice being able to sleep in a little longer and just walk to class, especially when you're sleep deprived!

Thanks for all of your help Meeep!

are any of you attending the social and networking event May 8th?

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