Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Fall 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Guys! I wanted to start at threat for those who have applied or been accepted to Georgia Baptist College of Nursing for 2015. I applied in October and was accepted last week. The reason I heard back so soon is because I have completed all of my prerequisite classes. Has anyone else applied or heard a response yet? If you all don't mind we could share our stats as well (Teas and GPA) that would be helpful to others viewing the thread. I applied with a 3.6 and a C on my teas. I was afraid that I was going to be denied but I think my essay helped out a ton. I was going to retake a class or my teas but they accepted me before I had to go through all of that. I hope to hear back from you all as we begin this process together. Thank you all so much and good luck to everyone.

welcome Ashley!

Does anyone know if the Facebook page has been made yet?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

It has, Ashley

@meeep What is it under? I would like to join!

Specializes in Psychiatry.

GBCN class of 2017

anyone heard anything from financial aid?

Hello everyone,

I am really interested in applying to GBCN but my GPA is really low. Does anyone know the lowest GPA they accepted for this Fall?

Hello Meeep

I have seen your posts and those are really helpful to me.

I desperately want to go GBCN, but my gpa is not good enough. I hope that I have a chance to ask you questions about GBCN.

mine is really low too :( science gpa is okay 3.5 but my overall gpa is messed up.

Are you going to apply GBCN for fall 2016?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Jayleen, a 3.5 is fine. What is your overall. Mercer does not just look at GPA. They look at the whole package of what makes you, YOU. They place a lot of emphasis on the essay. You can send in letters of recommendation and a resume of volunteer activities/life experience as well. They will accept supporting materials you think will bolster your application. I am not applying for fall, I will be a senior there in the fall. I am willing to answer any questions you have.

Thank you, Meeep!!! I really appreciate your kindness.

I felt like I stuck in the middle of nowhere.

My overall gpa is 2.8x. The final grade for summer is not posted yet, so I do not know exact gpa.

I visited the admission office, and the lady in the office gave me a pamphlet about the nursing program. It says minimum gpa 3.0. Did you see anyone has gpa below 3.0 and got accepted?

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