Georgetown ABSN Fall 2011


Any applicants to the Georgetown ABSN program for Fall 2011 out there? I have been reading old threads from last year and for applicants to Spring 2011, but it would be nice to have a place for Fall 2011 applicants to talk.

From what I read in past threads, the application to the WHC program is sent out any day now and we hear about whether or not we are being interviewed at the end of February.

So who's out there?

Has anybody heard? I wonder what "early April" really means in terms of hearing back! I sure hope it means this week!!

definitely before the 18th, according to the last email they sent out regarding the scholarship program. regardless, it's going to be in the next two weeks. good luck, everyone!

Did anyone send in optional test scores (i.e. HESI or TEAS)? I noticed they aren't required here but I'm wondering if that would make much difference on an application..

Has anybody heard anything?

nope, i haven't received anything yet... :-/

Nothing yet. Driving me crazy! Good luck!

Just a general question for all the Georgetown applicants (I am one too). It sounds like a lot of you have George as your top choice. I am curious why since they are not ranked in the top 10, and are so incredibly expensive, and are longer than other programs. I guess as I think about where I go to school next year, I am curious how other applicants are ranking their potential programs.

So far I have created a sort of spreadsheet with length of program, cost (overall, including cost of living), Clinical site location (quality of hospitals), NCLEX passing rate, overall ranking of the program (both through USNews and NIH funding).

What do you guys think?

@NYCgal2010: This is a great question and I'll tell you for me, what makes me want to go to Georgetown in no particular order:

-You're right that the school isn't the VERY highest ranked school. It's in the 30s though which I feel pretty good about.

-Well respected. I want to go on to do an advanced degree and I know that Georgetown will be well-respected by schools I apply to for my advanced degree programs.

-I have had a nearly perfect experience with the Admissions department. Nothing disorganized, very helpful presentations and information etc..

-The program is pretty well established--it's been around for a few years.

-If you get the WHC scholarship it is CHEAPER than most options.

-Pretty good facilities

-I live in DC now and plan to live here for the next 5+ years. Georgetown is the best commute for me and with the WHC scholarship I would be guaranteed a job when I graduated and have an 80% tuition scholarship. AND WHC is a top hospital with great nursing leadership programs. It is the kind of place that I will want to work regardless of if I get the scholarship.

-Fantastic faculty. Every person I have interacted with has been top notch.

Hoya Saxa! :-)

Oh and one more thing...

I really like the schools emphasis on producing 'nurse leaders'. For me, my goal is to not only be a member of the nursing profession, but a contributor to the profession and I know that Georgetown will be a great jumping off point for my career!! Hope that helps!

Great response! Thanks for the feedback. I think the emphasis on Nurse Leadership is important too. It has been a tough choice since I didn't expect to get into more than one and I just want to make the right choice. My biggest concern is finding employment right afterwards at a strong hospital.

Thanks again, I will think about your comments.

Happy Monday! and we should hear by Friday!!

Hi everyone!

I'm obviously waiting to hear about Georgetown as well, and I've been accepted to a few other programs, so I'm really looking forward to hearing and making a decision.

Just wanted to say that hearing pluses/minuses of the program is really helpful, so if you have info, please continue to share.

Hopefully they will tell us soon! Only a few more days until the 18th!

i question how useful those rankings are. if you pass the nclex, you pass the nclex. for instance, i've heard much, much better things about marymount's program that they overhauled in recent years vs. catholic's program (and that includes input from nurses at the hospital where i volunteer), yet marymount's ranking is far below catholic. marymount's pass rate is above 90% and i've heard most people get jobs there and that clinical sites find the program reputable.

as for creating nursing leaders, i've been in the supposed "real world" for long enough to know that your school name usually just gets you the foot in the door. once in the door, it's how you handle your job when you have it that helps to push you towards leadership; where you went to school really doesn't matter much, though i can understand that georgetown may help get you started by gearing coursework in that direction.

but really, after working (and making hiring decisions) for long enough, you start to see people don't care where you went to school vs. that you seem like you do your job well. seeing comments from existing nurses throughout this forum and others only confirms that sentiment to me. i've hired people and so i speak from experience when i say it's interesting to note somebody's school on their resume, but what sticks out when you make a decision is how articulate and smart they seemed, and whether they seem personable, and if they’re confident without seeming arrogant.

ultimately, georgetown gives you the name and an edge in getting your first job. however, without the whc scholarship, $70k in debt for 1.5 years of school (and that's not counting the loans for housing and living expenses) is not worth it to me, to live in debt for many years. i'm over the age of 30, so i've had it with debt. further, it would actually prevent me from being able to afford to pursue higher education.

Adding to what I wrote before...I do think one other major advantage of Georgetown is that they would potentially make you better prepared to feel like you have some semblance of knowing what you're doing than other schools. I assume I'm going to spend my first year as a nurse feeling like I'm clueless a lot of the time as there is just so much experience to gain. That said, the extra $30K that Georgetown costs ($70K for them vs. $40K-ish for other local programs) is a huge financial burden... if any of you plan to buy a house, have kids, yadda yadda yadda. It's just unrealistic to me to incur that as a loan. Without the scholarship, I can't reasonably attend Georgetown.

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