How do you spell relief?

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I realize that I am quoting decades old commercials, but...

I have been so 'down' lately... lots of stress.

I'm a military wife and husband has been traveling (not war related, thank God!), and it's stressful around here handling family (which includes a special needs child) and school. Also my aunt died suddenly about 2 weeks ago and I am far from my mother who could use some company. Many people from our housing area are in the Persian Gulf region and it's tense... Okay, so you get the general idea.

Well, this morning while checking my emails I turned on the TV. All the war stuff was really draining me so I started surfing... and settled on Mystery Science Theater. What a riot! I'm not a usual watcher but that had me laughing so hard my daughter woke up and got out of bed. So Cheezy!

I'm feeling so much better now that I have had some deep breathing from those belly laughs!:roll

I guess it's true what they say... "Laughter is the best medicine!"

Any of you have some good ways for stress relief?

How about any good suggestions for funny movies?

Specializes in Adult Med-Surg, Rehab, and Ambulatory Care.

Hello from a fellow 'dependant wife.' :)

Relief to me is a long soak in a bubble bath, a good book, some quiet time sitting outside in the sunshine (we can finally do that here in Jersey now that the weather is changing - thank you, God), petting my cats, playing with my baby (when he giggles it makes my spirit soar), and when in doubt for a stress-buster, a good long walk or jog around the block. Shutting off CNN helps reduce my stress level too. ;)

MST is a friggin RIOT! LOL I laughed so hard the first time I saw that, the robots just crack me up.

God bless ya, I am sorry to hear about your aunt and I hope your hubby comes home soon!

To relax, I usually take a bubble bath, read a good romance novel or eat something rich and gooey, like chocolate ice cream. Best of luck to you.

Hi Sandy

One of the ways I used find some relief when my kids were younger was to take them to Chuck E Cheese. It was loud, bright, and a great place to forget about everything for a while. (You can't think when you're in there!)

They also have a great game, can't remember what it's called, but it's the one where there is a rubber sledge hammer and the little moles or weasels pop up out of a hole, and you bash them back down into the hole. They pop up faster and faster and you get a score according to how many you were able to hit. GREAT stress relief!

As for movies - Meet the parents, Fools rush in, Steel Magnolias (laugh and cry in one movie), and my friend recently recommended Barber Shop, although I haven't seen it yet.

I agree with Galaxy Quest - our favorite line is, "Is there air? You don't know!!!!"

Legally Blonde, What Women Want, That 70's Show, Reba ...

Also, it is a lot of fun to get down and play video games with your kids - Spyro is a blast!

Yesterday we tore up the front yard digging for worms for my son and then filled up the hole (it was big) with water and the kids were soaked in mud - lots of good, dirty fun!

America's Funniest Home Videos!! (Sure to give a belly laugh!)

Jim Carrey's comedies, (He's such a goof!)

BUBBLE BATHS, with a good book.

S-E-X.......thats how I spell it!

Another entry for the Galaxy Quest Best Line Contest:

"Why is it always air ducts?"

And MST3K rocks! Although the first guy was funnier, the blonde guy is easier on the eyes.

S-E-X IS BEST! But who can find the opportunity between studies and kids on spring break? My dh was gone... he's come back and work is more demanding than ever... well, maybe the kids will get benadryl'd this afternoon and we'll nap. I could use a good release!

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

sorry to hear of your loss.

Shopping was a new stress reliever I learned about during my third semester. As a USAF wife when the hunk of burning love was away(15 months the last semester and a half-ish) historical romances were a life saver-heehee!!!! No really. They were. Love Julie Garwood. I'm kind of in recovery now. But boy could I breeze through em'! Oh, I loved movies that were only funny, scary, or romances. No sad ones. LOVED these: I Am Sam and A Beautiful Mind(saw during psych. rotation-should be a requirement and we sure tried to get a grade. She didn't buy it)

Also love Office Space, Undercover Brother, Ladies Man, Maid in Manhattan, Panic Room, KPax(another good psych one), Pretty Woman is ALWAYS good! And my girlfriends and I became addicted to Moulin Rouge-movies twice,DVD about 6 times-LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK!!!! Oh and the I Am Sam soundtrack is great! All Beatles songs done by current artists.

Any Cheech and Chong movie is a breath of fresh air-heehee!!!!!

Putting on headphones and dancing and singing out loud in the livingroom in front of your kids is always good! Then take off the headphones and turn on the speakers and let them party with you!!!! It'll tire them out, put them to bed, then get your groove on, study, whatever........Smooches!

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