how do we improve the image of nurses

Nurses Announcements Archive


i am just curious on how do we improve the images of nurses, i know some people see us as non skilled general laborers, doctors handmaids, as well as many other misconceptions i have noticed over the years. I am just curious if anyone has any ideas on how to improve our status.

Tighter dresses?

Originally posted by donmurray

Have a ritual burning of those "Chicken Soup" books, such warm fuzzy saccharin has no place in a professional image. We exist in the real world, not Disney.



Have a ritual burning of those "Chicken Soup" books, such warm fuzzy saccharin has no place in a professional image. We exist in the real world, not Disney.

You bring the marshmallows, I'll bring the flame thrower ;).


I'm concerned about inhaling the asbestos from my suit..........:rolleyes:

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
originally posted by mark_ld_rn

i am just curious on how do we improve the images of nurses, i know some people see us as non skilled general laborers, doctors handmaids, as well as many other misconceptions i have noticed over the years. i am just curious if anyone has any ideas on how to improve our status.

hi mark! :)

great question! :)

imhpo.......the best way to improve the image of nurses is for us to walk the talk we believe in about nurses as a whole. live the compassion, the sincerety, the caring, the assertive professional side of us and always be forthright in what we say.....say what we mean and mean what we say.....wavering not!

one by one....little by little.....firm and steady.....we can return nursing to the highly respected career field that it is. this means we have to stop the catfights between college degree choices, and let people continue to elect what route to becoming a nurse they wish to take. stop caring about how a nurse becomes a nurse and instead embrace every nurse who successfully passes the nclex...therefore earning his/her license carrying privilege.

we fight entirely too much among ourselves in public view.....people know the nurses are not the Mediao filth they see in the movies....they know we are not the wimps they may see in the t.v. shows that portray nurses as such. how do they know this??? well.......they are the people who become the patients that real nurses have to take care of when they enter the hospitals, and they see for themselves who and what we are all about. it is up to us to portray who and what we are all about. how can we crack on the media for their false portrayal of us when we don't embrace one another's professional choices and accept one another for those choices? how can we blame the politicians for not recognizing our worth when we act like we don't recognize one another's worth as a nurse? how can we blame the hospital and nursing administrators for the way they treat us when we do not necessarily treat each other the way we want them to treat us? what image are you helping the public and the patient population you care for to see in regards to nurses as a whole??? something to ponder, huh? :kiss :nurse:

Originally posted by shay



You bring the marshmallows, I'll bring the flame thrower ;).


Yes, absolutely, 100% on target...let's BBQ all those other cutesy, gag a maggot trinkets people give you because they're so sure you'll love it since you're a nurse (e.g. "Precious Moments" nurse figurines, "Nurses are Beary Special" buttons, "Nurses Are Patient People" t-shirts, yada, yada, yada).

Originally posted by fab4fan

Yes, absolutely, 100% on target...let's BBQ all those other cutesy, gag a maggot trinkets people give you because they're so sure you'll love it since you're a nurse (e.g. "Precious Moments" nurse figurines, "Nurses are Beary Special" buttons, "Nurses Are Patient People" t-shirts, yada, yada, yada).

:rolleyes: Ugh. Geez, louise!!! I tell people UP NOT give me 'nursey' paraphenalia. I do NOT like it. Bleah. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by donmurray

Have a ritual burning of those "Chicken Soup" books, such warm fuzzy saccharin has no place in a professional image. We exist in the real world, not Disney.


two things, one brought up already- dressing a little more professionally- I had a nurse come to her shift in scrub pants and a t shirt from walmart with glittery letters "original" on it.....

Secondarily- cut out the cursing. I have lately for some reason gotten really tired of hearing those words in normal conversation at the nurses area. I complained and was told it was part of the normal working environment.... and what was my problem. oye vey and people wonder why I want to go back to school.

Originally posted by shay

:rolleyes: Ugh. Geez, louise!!! I tell people UP NOT give me 'nursey' paraphenalia. I do NOT like it. Bleah. :rolleyes:

I'm not a nurse yet.. and haven't even applied to nursing school yet, but why don't you like that stuff? This scares me, and instills some doubt in becoming a nurse! I've always looked at nursing as being an enjoyable profession, taking care of patients and know that my job would be helping people out.. even if they don't show appreciation. I don't know, it just shocks me that you guys don't feel appreciated by even the existance of those items.. am I making sense (it's late, sorry :) ) I loved the chicken soup for expectant mothers when I was pregnant, gave me some hope and stopped my constant worrying..

So why do you guys hate that stuff?? :confused:

Lots of very interesting, thought-provoking comments guys!

And Shay--

"And what about being addressed as "nurse so-and-so" instead of just your first name. Like, "Nurse Shay" instead of just "Shay?" One thing docs get to do is throw around that "I didn't go to xxx years of medical school to be called mr./mrs." crap, well, hey, I didn't go to 4 years of nursing school to be called just "Shay."

You are right on--what is it with the caste system in hospitals??? We nurses are expected to call the physicians "Dr. So and SO", yet the doctors address the nurses by their first names, even nurses who are old enough to be their mothers (or fathers)!

And yes, Cheerfuldoer, it is time for all nurses, regardless of educational level to come together to support each other and to advocate for our patients. Why quibble over what entry level is appropriate, when regardless of entry level hospital administrators and doctors (most, but not all) see nurses as expensive maids! We are all nurses, and we are all needed, whether LPN, RN, ADN, BSN, MSN,etc, etc....

shay and cheerfuldoer you guys are awesome. i totally agree with you.

i think part of the bickering problem is that the majority of nurses are women. what are women know for? being b!tches and that is exactly what happens on the floor. they treat each other on a personal level and not a professional level. if you have issues with a coworker on a personal level that is fine, but leave it out of work. that is no reason to be rude and disrespectful to them in front of fellow coworkers and patients. as long as they are providing safe and compitent care, what is the big deal? who cares what their home life is like if it isn't interfering with their performance?!

Specializes in correctional, psych, ICU, CCU, ER.

Bring on the marshmallows-cute!!!

MPHkatie, we had a nurse show up in a long summer dress with a slit up the side, hoop earrings that you could put your fist through, and strappy sandles,(but,hey,she ahd on a lab coat) for a day of orientation in a jail!!! I sent her home. I couldn't even give her a tour looking like that!! What in the heck she was thinking-I'll never know. Ahe never did come back and told the boss, I'm intelligent, articulate AND attractive and I can work anywhere.SHEECH!!!

I agree with getting the nurses out of Media, and cleaning up our acts.

What you see is what you get.

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