Funny Names

Specialties NICU


What are some of the funniest names that you guys and gals have seen at work? I'll start

Twins : Roderrick and Roderricka,

Twins : Autumn and Fall

Girl : Asshole (A-sole-lee)

P.s. This thread is just for fun.....

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.
Now, as an Elvis nut, I can see why someone would want to name their child after him, but the poor kid would have a heck of an image issue, not to mention all the teasing he'd get.

There are a few folk out there named Elvis, though, presumably after the King, but who really knows. One of them my neighbor's kid. His name is Elvis Aaron also.

The only Elvis I've actually known was born a good few years before Mr. Presley. He went by his middle name, which wasn't Aaron.

Ledrix - Parents liked Led Zeplin and Jimmy Hendrix (boy)

Amethyst -mom liked purple (17 yo) (girl)

Karma (boy)

Twins Sidlolly (girl) and Seth (boy), poor Sidlolly!!

Serious Sincere




Specializes in NICU.

I know this isn't really a funny name... but we've had quite a few "Sebastians" come through our unit lately...

Precious Eternity

Poor kid her name sounds like a brand of perfume or deodorant.

Specializes in NICU.

I'm a new grad NICU nurse I haven't seen anything too wacky just yet, but last summer I was an extern on FCC and the parents named their baby girl Jobo. I forget what their names were, but they said it was a combination of their names... Poor kid, elementary school's gonna be rough on that one...

Specializes in NICU.
I'm a new grad NICU nurse I haven't seen anything too wacky just yet, but last summer I was an extern on FCC and the parents named their baby girl Jobo. I forget what their names were, but they said it was a combination of their names... Poor kid, elementary school's gonna be rough on that one...

One more for the "Parents who forget that their baby will not always be a baby, and might therefore appreciate a grown-up name" file...

Specializes in Level III NICU.
I'm a new grad NICU nurse I haven't seen anything too wacky just yet, but last summer I was an extern on FCC and the parents named their baby girl Jobo. I forget what their names were, but they said it was a combination of their names... Poor kid, elementary school's gonna be rough on that one...

Oh yes, combining the names of the parents. Almost as good as spelling one of their names backwards.

Specializes in NICU, School Nursing, & Community Health.

I work as a school nurse and I have so many names that I can't even pronounce. I called a mom once to pick up her child and the white card had the name Azvain, so I said "hi I'm trying to reach the mother of

As-vein." The woman started cracking up. She said it's pronounced Aza-vi-on. Ummm ok :chuckle

I also have a Shar'Radiant. That one still makes me smile.

Specializes in ICU, HIV, Peds (last 30 Yrs<;o).

Saw one in our local paper's birth announcements just today---



I've got one:

III (three)...and yes that's his name, not nickname. Poor kid! Makes you think back to that commercial of the egg in the frying pan (this is your brain on drugs) LOL!

Specializes in NICU.

I have a kid right now with a very unusual name that's pretty hard to pronounce. The kind that if you Google it you get four results, three of which are acronyms, and Google asks you if you meant something else. Our feeding specialist leaves notes on beds to let the parents know if she'll be working with their kid the next day. So she left one on this baby's bed, and left out a letter. FOB is all "If she pronounces it [like she misspelled it] tomorrow, I'm going to be so furious." Dude, you have the right to name your child whatever you want, but when your random American isn't sure how to pronounce it, you don't get to get mad.

Specializes in NICU.

hmm there are too many to count...I think my all time favorite was Aloveli Myracle:wink2:

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