Funniest thing the nurse FORGOT to tell you in report


I introduce myself to the patient than go back to check the chart. Yep, this is the correct patient- but the nurse forgot to tell me that this elderly female patient had a beard and mustache. Thought she was a gent. lol

First spare minute I got- I gave her a shave.

Was given in report that this pt with mental status change never had a pulse ox done, the nurse was unable to get one. Took 30 seconds to try another probe.:confused: Then, when it turned out to be 70% and I went to increase the O2, found out the NC the pt was wearing was actully attached to AIR not oxygen. Needless to say, the improved rather quickly.


Not funny at all, but 7-3 nurse neglected to tell me the patient was on renal dopamine. All she said was it was at KVO (which at my place was 25cc/hr). Entering the room first thing I saw was a patient with a bright red face and tachycardia.

She'd not used the formula, the bag was labeled with the policy number and a caution not to exceed limits.

So *I* get to tell the doctor and of course get hollered at. Sheesh the patient could have died doc, and I kinda wanted to see what you want done. ya'll are gonna find out just what kinda twisted individual I really am. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone...but it absolutely cracks my a** up today thinking about it.

I sent one of my most trusted STNA's to collect a urine specimen from a l.o.m. (little old man) with a diagnosis of alzheimers. He wasn't behaving as usual, and wanted to make sure he wasn't packing a UTI.

It took my STNA ALL night to get this little specimen, although she had made several attempts to collect it throughout the night.

Finally, at 7AM, just before our shift was over, the STNA comes to my office with the specimen in hand. She stressed to me how "hard" it had been for her to get it and assured me she didn't want to collect another specimen from him any time soon.

The next night, I go into work and I find out in report that the urine specimen my STNA had worked so diligently at getting for me, wasn't any good!! It seems it had been contaminated with" guessed it....sperm! :eek:

I went to my computer and made her an award "For going above and beyond the line of duty while collecting a "hard" urine specimen". :chuckle

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

I made be an aide but i ALWAYS appreciate when the 3-11 nurse informs me that a confused pt. has drank Go-Lytely as ordered.

A patient's very tiny wife was curled up with her hubby under the covers in his ICU bed. I almost had a heart attack myself when she squeaked and jumped as I started my asessment.

Specializes in Neuro Critical Care.

Has a post-craniotomy pt, went in to assess his incision and realized I could see his brain pulsating. Pulled the chart,grabbed the charge nurse, found out I was the only one who didn't know he had part of his skull removed. Would have liked to have known that!:p

These stories are great. It would be funny to have seen the look on our faces (candid camera style) when we encountered missing limbs, missing appendages, missing skull bones and drip rates that pharmacy never intended.

I was just off orientation one night and walked into a patient room that was dark. I see a foley bag to gravity and think- hmm- nurse forgot to tell me foley to gravity. When I turn the light on I see the bag is full of green gunk. I am like OMG his kidneys are a mess- what is this stuff? He had a rectal bag connected to a foley bag and I had never seen one before. lol

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

I got report on a 17 year old in with ulcers on his feet...went in and, how is the pain in your feet...what number would you give it...he looked at me and said, "Lady, I'm a myleo...I can't feel my feet!" Good thing I didn't you get up and go to the bathroom by yourself LOL

Specializes in ccu cardiovascular.

I was told by the the nurse from the last shift,just admitted your patient and he wants to meet his new nurse when you have time.

There was an 88 year old man in the bed with a major erection(don't mean to offend anyone), then after reviewing his chart found he had a penile implant, and i thought he was just excited to see me! I was soo embarashed when i told the other nurses, they thought it was outrageous.!!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

While making rounds yrs ago in LTC the doc and I enter a room for him to perform what he feels passes for a monthly exam and he starts screaming at me "When did this resident get a foley? Who put it IN? Who gave the order?" I was a float and was not really familiar with the floor-it was early in the shift and I did not know what to say...I walked out to get the chart(and to get the freak away from his screaming) and could find NOTHING about this foley...He is on the phone to the DON ranting and raving.I am sweating......I go back in the room and discover that the resident did NOT have an in-dwelling foley...just the drainage bag hanging on the side of the bed-placed there THE DAY BEFORE by the instructor of the CNA training class....What the h*ll? Like we did not have any real foley cath's for the trainees to empty? Sure we did....I'll never forget that day....

In nursing school a friend of mine and another student were to help a 70's year old lady in the nursing home to stand at the bedside. they left the blanket covering her lap while she was sitting on the side of the bed then stood her up. She seemed stable on her feet so they let go. She started to fall to one side. They caught her immediately and that's when she discovered that she had had a bka years before.

Well, lately my best one would be when I had a lady getting TPN in the LTC where I work.....anyway, got report-after frequent interruptions, I walked by her room on the way to get something out of supply and happened to notice that her TPN was SHUT OFF!!!!!! I went to the desk where the 2 LPN's were and said, "Why is so-and-so's TPN off?" The reply, "Well it ran out!" Well how freakin long has it been off???? YIKES!!! They were both so calm about it, like "what's your problem." These are LPN's that are well aware of what can happen with TPN. There were two RN's working in the office at that time that they could have asked to change it. Took a blood sugar and it was okay, but good lord, I wonder what would have happened if I didn't walk by the room at that time. Lord knows how long it could have been off before I checked it. NOTHING was said that it was low, almost empty, needed to be changed......NOTHING!!!

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